Psalm 98
Psalm 98 is a hymn that calls everyone to sing a new song of praise to the Lord. It celebrates God's salvation and victory over evil while inviting all nations to rejoice with instruments and voices. The psalmist reminds us that the whole earth will one day sing praises to the Lord and urges us to praise him with our entire being.

Praise the Lord with Joyful Song
Psalm 98 is a beautiful expression of praise and worship that emphasizes the joy of singing and playing music to honor God. The psalmist invites all kinds of musical instruments to join in the celebration, emphasizing that every sound can be used to bring glory to the Lord. The psalm also portrays God as a powerful savior who has defeated his enemies and brings salvation to all who put their trust in him. It's a reminder that we are called to praise the Lord not only for what he has done for us but also for who he is. This psalm encourages us to lift our voices in joyful worship and celebrate the goodness of God.
Assuming a reader with an average reading speed of 300 WPM reads the Psalm, chapter 98 it would take approximately 1 minutes to finish.
There are 9 verses in Psalm, chapter 98.