1 Kings
Divided Kingdom
Summary of 1 Kings
22 chapters ● 69 min ● 950-900 BCE
The Book of 1 Kings is the third book of the Books of the Kings in the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Old Testament. It tells the story of the reigns of the kings of Israel and Judah, beginning with the reign of Solomon, the son of David. The book begins with the story of Solomon's wealth and wisdom, and it includes the story of the construction of the Temple in Jerusalem. However, Solomon's later years are marked by corruption and disobedience to God, and the kingdom begins to decline. After Solomon's death, the kingdom is divided into two separate kingdoms: Israel in the north and Judah in the south. The book also includes the stories of the kings of Israel and Judah, including the good kings who followed God's commands and the bad kings who turned away from God. Key figures in the book of 1 Kings include Solomon, Rehoboam, Ahab, Elijah, and Elisha. The book also mentions various other individuals, such as the prophets and the priests, who served as advisers and leaders for the kings.
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This is a wordcloud for the book of 1 Kings. Each word is represented by a different color and size, according to its frequency in the book.
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David's Charge to Solomon
1 Kings, 1
53 verses ● 5 min
David charges Solomon, his son, to be faithful to God as he becomes king.
Read the chapterDavid's Last Days
1 Kings, 2
46 verses ● 4 min
David reflects on his life and makes final arrangements before his death.
Read the chapterSolomon's Wisdom and Reign
1 Kings, 3
28 verses ● 3 min
Solomon becomes known for his wisdom and builds a prosperous and peaceful kingdom.
Read the chapterSolomon's Administrative Wisdom
1 Kings, 4
34 verses ● 3 min
Solomon sets up a wise and efficient system of administration, benefiting Israel.
Read the chapterSolomon's Building Projects
1 Kings, 5
18 verses ● 2 min
Solomon builds a temple for God, a palace for himself, and many other structures.
Read the chapterThe Construction of the Temple
1 Kings, 6
38 verses ● 4 min
The construction of the temple in Jerusalem is described in detail.
Read the chapterSolomon's Other Buildings
1 Kings, 7
51 verses ● 5 min
Solomon builds many other structures, including a palace, throne room, and storage buildings.
Read the chapterThe Ark Brought into the Temple
1 Kings, 8
66 verses ● 6 min
The Ark of the Covenant is brought into the temple and dedicated with a great ceremony.
Read the chapterSolomon's Sin and Decline
1 Kings, 9
28 verses ● 3 min
Despite his initial success, Solomon becomes unfaithful to God and his kingdom begins to decline.
Read the chapterQueen of Sheba Visits Solomon
1 Kings, 10
29 verses ● 3 min
The Queen of Sheba visits Solomon and is impressed by his wisdom and wealth.
Read the chapterSolomon's Apostasy
1 Kings, 11
43 verses ● 4 min
Solomon becomes increasingly idolatrous, leading to division in the kingdom after his death.
Read the chapterRehoboam's Folly
1 Kings, 12
33 verses ● 3 min
Rehoboam, Solomon's son, refuses to heed the counsel of the older leaders and instead makes demands of the people, leading to a division in the kingdom.
Read the chapterThe Man of God from Judah
1 Kings, 13
34 verses ● 3 min
A man of God from Judah confronts Jeroboam, the northern king, and pronounces judgment on him.
Read the chapterAhijah's Prophecy to Jeroboam's Wife
1 Kings, 14
31 verses ● 3 min
Ahijah the prophet prophesies to Jeroboam's wife about the future of the kingdom.
Read the chapterAbijam's Reign in Judah
1 Kings, 15
34 verses ● 3 min
Abijam becomes king of Judah and continues the sins of his father.
Read the chapterThe Reign of Baasha in Israel
1 Kings, 16
34 verses ● 3 min
Baasha becomes king of Israel and continues in the sins of Jeroboam.
Read the chapterElijah and the Widow of Zarephath
1 Kings, 17
24 verses ● 3 min
Elijah is sustained by God during a famine and performs miracles, including raising a boy from the dead.
Read the chapterElijah Confronts Ahab and Baal
1 Kings, 18
46 verses ● 4 min
Elijah confronts Ahab and the prophets of Baal in a dramatic showdown on Mount Carmel.
Read the chapterElijah Flees from Jezebel
1 Kings, 19
21 verses ● 2 min
Elijah flees from Jezebel after she threatens his life.
Read the chapterAhab's Wars
1 Kings, 20
43 verses ● 4 min
Ahab continues his idolatry and goes to war against Ben-hadad, the king of Syria.
Read the chapterNaboth's Vineyard
1 Kings, 21
29 verses ● 3 min
Ahab wants Naboth's vineyard and Jezebel arranges for him to be falsely accused and executed.
Read the chapterAhab and Jehoshaphat Against Syria
1 Kings, 22
53 verses ● 5 min
Ahab and Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah, join forces against Syria, but Ahab is killed in the battle.
Read the chapterFAQ
Assuming a reader with an average reading speed of 300 WPM reads the Book of 1 Kings,it would take approximately 9 minutes to finish.
There are 816 verses in the book of 1 Kings, which is organized into 22 chapters.
The book of 1 Kings was written within the range of .
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