Psalm 35
Psalm 35 is a heartfelt plea for God's justice to be served against the psalmist's enemies. It is a poetic description of their wickedness and the psalmist's innocence. The psalmist calls upon God to defend him and bring to light the truth about his accusers.

A Cry for Justice
The psalmist's cry for justice is one that many can relate to. We all have faced situations where we feel like we are being treated unjustly, where our enemies seem to be prospering while we suffer. What the psalmist reminds us, however, is that we have a God who hears our cries and is a just judge. We can take comfort in knowing that, even when the world seems stacked against us, we have an advocate in heaven who is on our side. The psalmist's words are a reminder to us to trust in God's justice and to cry out to Him in our times of need.
Assuming a reader with an average reading speed of 300 WPM reads the Psalm, chapter 35 it would take approximately 3 minutes to finish.
There are 28 verses in Psalm, chapter 35.