The Early Church
Summary of Acts
28 chapters ● 84 min ● 80-90 CE
The Book of Acts, also known as the Acts of the Apostles, is a book of the New Testament of the Bible. It is a written account of the early Christian church and the spread of the gospel in the years following the resurrection of Jesus. The Book of Acts is traditionally attributed to the apostle Luke, who was a close associate of the apostle Paul.The Book of Acts begins with the ascension of Jesus and the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. It then goes on to describe the spread of the gospel through the ministry of Jesus' disciples, including the apostle Peter, the apostle Paul, and other early Christian leaders. The Book of Acts also includes accounts of the establishment of the early Christian church, including the selection of Matthias to replace Judas Iscariot as one of the Twelve Apostles, and the spread of the gospel to various parts of the Roman Empire.Key figures in the Book of Acts include the apostles Peter, Paul, and John, as well as other early Christian leaders such as Stephen, Philip, and Barnabas. The Book also mentions various other individuals, such as the Pharisees, the Roman authorities, and various converts to Christianity, who play significant roles in the story. The Book also includes a number of references to God and his actions, as well as expressions of trust and reliance on him.
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This is a wordcloud for the book of Acts. Each word is represented by a different color and size, according to its frequency in the book.
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The Ascension of Jesus and the Selection of Matthias
Acts, 1
26 verses ● 3 min
The Holy Spirit descends on the apostles at Pentecost, and they begin to preach and perform miracles in Jerusalem.
Read the chapterThe Coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost
Acts, 2
47 verses ● 4 min
Peter preaches to a large crowd, and many are saved and baptized.
Read the chapterThe Healing of the Lame Man
Acts, 3
26 verses ● 3 min
Peter and John heal a man at the temple gate, and they are arrested and put on trial.
Read the chapterThe Arrest and Release of Peter and John
Acts, 4
37 verses ● 4 min
The apostles are arrested again, but an angel frees them from prison and they continue to preach.
Read the chapterThe Ananias and Sapphira Incident
Acts, 5
42 verses ● 4 min
Ananias and Sapphira lie to the apostles, and they die as a result.
Read the chapterThe Appointment of the Seven
Acts, 6
15 verses ● 2 min
The apostles choose seven men to help with the ministry, and Stephen becomes the first martyr for the faith.
Read the chapterStephen's Martyrdom
Acts, 7
60 verses ● 6 min
Stephen gives a powerful speech before the council, and he is stoned to death.
Read the chapterThe Conversion of Saul
Acts, 8
40 verses ● 4 min
Saul (later known as Paul) is converted to Christianity and begins to preach.
Read the chapterThe Conversion of Saul on the Road to Damascus
Acts, 9
43 verses ● 4 min
Paul is arrested and brought to trial in Jerusalem, but he escapes to Tarsus.
Read the chapterThe Conversion of Cornelius
Acts, 10
48 verses ● 5 min
Cornelius, a Roman centurion, becomes the first Gentile convert to Christianity.
Read the chapterPeter Defends His Actions to the Jerusalem Council
Acts, 11
30 verses ● 3 min
Peter defends his actions before the council, and the Gentile converts are accepted into the church.
Read the chapterThe Arrest and Escape of Peter
Acts, 12
25 verses ● 3 min
King Herod kills James and imprisons Peter, but an angel frees him.
Read the chapterThe First Missionary Journey of Paul and Barnabas
Acts, 13
52 verses ● 5 min
Paul and Barnabas are set apart for missionary work and begin their first journey.
Read the chapterThe Second Missionary Journey of Paul and Silas
Acts, 14
28 verses ● 3 min
Paul and Barnabas continue their missionary work, facing opposition and performing miracles.
Read the chapterThe Jerusalem Council
Acts, 15
41 verses ● 4 min
The council at Jerusalem decides that Gentile converts do not have to follow Jewish customs.
Read the chapterThe Third Missionary Journey of Paul
Acts, 16
40 verses ● 4 min
Paul and Silas are arrested and imprisoned in Philippi, but an earthquake frees them and they continue their journey.
Read the chapterThe Arrest of Paul in Jerusalem
Acts, 17
34 verses ● 3 min
Paul preaches in Thessalonica and Berea, and faces opposition from the Jewish leaders.
Read the chapterThe Voyage to Rome
Acts, 18
28 verses ● 3 min
Paul continues his missionary work in Corinth, and Apollos also begins preaching there.
Read the chapterThe Riot in Ephesus
Acts, 19
41 verses ● 4 min
Paul performs miracles in Ephesus and teaches about the Holy Spirit.
Read the chapterThe Farewell to the Ephesian Elders
Acts, 20
38 verses ● 4 min
Paul travels to Jerusalem and speaks to the elders of the church.
Read the chapterThe Arrest of Paul in Jerusalem
Acts, 21
40 verses ● 4 min
Paul is arrested in Jerusalem and brought to trial before the Roman authorities.
Read the chapterThe Defense Before the Jerusalem Mob
Acts, 22
30 verses ● 3 min
Paul defends himself before the crowd and explains his conversion to Christianity.
Read the chapterThe Defense Before the Council
Acts, 23
35 verses ● 3 min
Paul is rescued from a plot to kill him and is sent to stand trial in Caesarea.
Read the chapterThe Defense Before Felix
Acts, 24
27 verses ● 3 min
Paul stands trial before Felix, the Roman governor.
Read the chapterThe Defense Before Festus
Acts, 25
27 verses ● 3 min
Paul appeals to Caesar and is sent to Rome under guard.
Read the chapterThe Defense Before Agrippa
Acts, 26
32 verses ● 3 min
Paul gives his testimony before King Agrippa.
Read the chapterThe Voyage to Rome
Acts, 27
44 verses ● 4 min
Paul's ship is shipwrecked and they are stranded on the island of Malta.
Read the chapterThe Arrival in Rome and Paul's House Arrest
Acts, 28
31 verses ● 3 min
Paul arrives in Rome and is allowed to live under house arrest.
Read the chapterFAQ
Assuming a reader with an average reading speed of 300 WPM reads the Book of Acts,it would take approximately 24 minutes to finish.
There are 1007 verses in the book of Acts, which is organized into 28 chapters.
The book of Acts was written within the range of .
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