Jesus' Birth and Mission
Summary of Luke
24 chapters ● 96 min ● 80-100 CE
The Gospel of Luke is one of the four gospels in the New Testament of the Bible. It is a written account of the life, teachings, and ministry of Jesus Christ. The Gospel of Luke is traditionally attributed to the physician Luke, who was a close associate of the apostle Paul.The Gospel of Luke begins with the story of the birth of John the Baptist, and then goes on to describe the birth, childhood, and ministry of Jesus. It includes accounts of Jesus' miracles, parables, and sermons, as well as his interactions with various people, including his disciples, the Pharisees, and the Roman authorities. The Gospel also includes accounts of Jesus' death and resurrection, as well as his appearances to his disciples after his resurrection.Key figures in the Gospel of Luke include Jesus, as well as his disciples, including Peter, James, and John. The Gospel also mentions various other individuals, such as John the Baptist, the Pharisees, and the Roman authorities, who play significant roles in the story. The Gospel also includes a number of references to God and his actions, as well as expressions of trust and reliance on him.
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This is a wordcloud for the book of Luke. Each word is represented by a different color and size, according to its frequency in the book.
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The Birth of John the Baptist Foretold
Luke, 1
80 verses ● 7 min
Luke writes a prologue, in which he explains that his gospel is based on the testimony of those who were eyewitnesses and servants of the word.
Read the chapterThe Birth of Jesus
Luke, 2
52 verses ● 5 min
The birth of Jesus is announced to Mary and Joseph, and He is born in Bethlehem.
Read the chapterThe Ministry of John the Baptist
Luke, 3
38 verses ● 4 min
John the Baptist prepares the way for Jesus, who begins His ministry with a baptism and the descent of the Holy Spirit.
Read the chapterThe Temptation of Jesus
Luke, 4
44 verses ● 4 min
Jesus is tempted by Satan and begins His ministry in Galilee.
Read the chapterThe Call of the First Disciples
Luke, 5
39 verses ● 4 min
Jesus calls His first disciples and performs many miracles.
Read the chapterThe Sermon on the Plain
Luke, 6
49 verses ● 5 min
Jesus teaches the Sermon on the Plain, including the Beatitudes.
Read the chapterThe Healing of the Centurion's Servant
Luke, 7
50 verses ● 5 min
Jesus raises a dead man to life and forgives a sinful woman.
Read the chapterJesus Calms the Storm
Luke, 8
56 verses ● 5 min
Jesus teaches the Parable of the Sower and performs more miracles.
Read the chapterThe Transfiguration
Luke, 9
62 verses ● 6 min
Jesus is transfigured before Peter, James, and John and sends out the twelve apostles.
Read the chapterThe Sending of the Seventy-Two
Luke, 10
42 verses ● 4 min
Jesus teaches the Parable of the Good Samaritan and sends out the seventy-two.
Read the chapterJesus Teaches on Prayer
Luke, 11
54 verses ● 5 min
Jesus teaches about prayer and performs more miracles.
Read the chapterThe Parable of the Rich Fool
Luke, 12
59 verses ● 5 min
Jesus teaches about the coming of the kingdom of God and about being ready for His return.
Read the chapterThe Healing of the Woman on the Sabbath
Luke, 13
35 verses ● 3 min
Jesus teaches about repentance and performs more miracles.
Read the chapterThe Parable of the Great Banquet
Luke, 14
35 verses ● 3 min
Jesus teaches about humility and the cost of following Him.
Read the chapterThe Parable of the Lost Sheep
Luke, 15
32 verses ● 3 min
Jesus teaches about the Parable of the Lost Sheep, the Lost Coin, and the Prodigal Son.
Read the chapterThe Parable of the Unjust Steward
Luke, 16
31 verses ● 3 min
Jesus teaches about the Parable of the Shrewd Manager and the Rich Man and Lazarus.
Read the chapterThe Healing of the Ten Lepers
Luke, 17
37 verses ● 4 min
Jesus teaches about forgiveness, faith, and the coming of the kingdom of God.
Read the chapterThe Parable of the Persistent Widow
Luke, 18
43 verses ● 4 min
Jesus teaches about humility and the Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector.
Read the chapterThe Parable of the Minas
Luke, 19
48 verses ● 5 min
Jesus enters Jerusalem as a king, He is welcomed by the people, He curses the fig tree and He teaches about the Parable of the Ten Minas.
Read the chapterThe Healing of the Blind Man at Bethsaida
Luke, 20
47 verses ● 4 min
Jesus is questioned by the religious leaders, teaches about the resurrection and the importance of paying taxes to Caesar.
Read the chapterThe Prediction of the Destruction of the Temple
Luke, 21
38 verses ● 4 min
Jesus predicts the destruction of the temple and the end of the world. He advises to be ready for the coming of the Son of Man.
Read the chapterThe Plot to Kill Jesus
Luke, 22
71 verses ● 6 min
Jesus celebrates the Last Supper with His disciples, He is betrayed by Judas, arrested, and brought to trial. He is mocked and beaten by the Roman soldiers, He is convicted by the religious leaders and sentenced to death.
Read the chapterJesus before Pilate
Luke, 23
56 verses ● 5 min
Jesus is crucified, He dies and He is buried in a tomb. On the third day He rises from the dead. He appeared to many people, including His disciples, proving that He is truly the Son of God.
Read the chapterThe Resurrection of Jesus
Luke, 24
53 verses ● 5 min
Jesus appears to His disciples and teaches them about the scripture concerning Himself. He commissions them to spread the Good News to all nations. He ascends to heaven.
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Assuming a reader with an average reading speed of 300 WPM reads the Book of Luke,it would take approximately 36 minutes to finish.
There are 1151 verses in the book of Luke, which is organized into 24 chapters.
The book of Luke was written within the range of .