Christ's Supremacy
Summary of Colossians
4 chapters ● 8 min ● 60-61 CE
The Epistle to the Colossians, also known as the Letter to the Colossians, is a book of the New Testament of the Bible. It is a written letter from the apostle Paul to the Christian community in Colossae. The Letter to the Colossians covers a wide range of subjects, including the nature of Christ, the importance of living a life that is pleasing to God, and the role of the gospel in the life of the believer. The letter also includes a number of teachings about Christian ethics and the importance of living according to the Spirit. Key figures in the Letter to the Colossians include the apostle Paul, as well as the Christian community in Colossae, who are the recipients of the letter. The letter also mentions various other individuals, such as Timothy and Epaphras, who are the subjects of the apostle's teachings and exhortations. The letter also includes a number of references to God and his actions, as well as expressions of trust and reliance on him.
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This is a wordcloud for the book of Colossians. Each word is represented by a different color and size, according to its frequency in the book.
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Greeting and Thanksgiving
Colossians, 1
29 verses ● 3 min
Paul greets the Colossian church and gives thanks for their faith in Christ and their love for all the saints. He prays for their spiritual growth.
Read the chapterFullness in Christ
Colossians, 2
23 verses ● 2 min
Paul warns against false teachings and encourages the Colossians to be rooted and built up in Christ, in whom all the fullness of God dwells. He stresses the importance of walking in Christ, not in human tradition.
Read the chapterSet your Minds on Things Above
Colossians, 3
25 verses ● 3 min
Paul instructs the Colossians to set their minds on things above and to put to death their earthly practices, such as immorality, impurity, and greed. He emphasizes the need to put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator.
Read the chapterChristian Conduct and Relationships
Colossians, 4
18 verses ● 2 min
Paul instructs the Colossians on how to conduct themselves as Christians, including how to treat each other, how to communicate with each other, and how to interact with the outside world. He sends greetings from fellow workers and closes with a benediction.
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Assuming a reader with an average reading speed of 300 WPM reads the Book of Colossians,it would take approximately 8 minutes to finish.
There are 95 verses in the book of Colossians, which is organized into 4 chapters.
The book of Colossians was written within the range of .
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