The Holiness of Priests
Leviticus 21 is a chapter that outlines the regulations for the priests of Israel. It begins by stating that the priests must be holy and set apart from the rest of the people. They are not to defile themselves by coming into contact with a dead body, even if it is a close relative. They are also not to shave their heads or beards, or make any cuts in their bodies as a sign of mourning. The chapter then goes on to describe the regulations for the priests when it comes to marriage. They are not to marry a prostitute or a woman who has been divorced. They are also not to marry a woman who is not from the tribe of Levi. The chapter then goes on to describe the regulations for the priests when it comes to their physical appearance. They are not to have any blemishes or deformities, and they must be physically fit. Finally, the chapter outlines the regulations for the priests when it comes to their offerings. They are to offer only the best animals and grain offerings to the Lord. Overall, Leviticus 21 outlines the regulations for the priests of Israel. It emphasizes the importance of holiness and purity, and it outlines the regulations for their physical appearance, marriage, and offerings.
Assuming a reader with an average reading speed of 300 WPM reads the Leviticus, chapter 21 it would take approximately 3 minutes to finish.
There are 24 verses in Leviticus, chapter 21.