Who was Moses in the Bible?
Abrahamic prophet said to have led the Israelites out of Egypt
The story of Moses
in Hebrew: משה
Moses is one of the most important figures in the history of the Jewish people and is revered as a prophet, leader, and lawgiver in both Judaism and Christianity. He was born in Egypt to Hebrew parents, at a time when the Israelites were living as slaves in that country. According to the Bible, Moses was raised in the palace of Pharaoh but chose to identify with his people and their suffering. After killing an Egyptian who was mistreating a Hebrew slave, Moses fled to the wilderness of Midian, where he lived for many years as a shepherd. It was there that God appeared to Moses in the burning bush and called him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt and into the Promised Land. With the help of signs and wonders, Moses convinced Pharaoh to let the Israelites go, and led them on their journey through the wilderness. Moses is best known for receiving the Ten Commandments from God on Mount Sinai, which form the basis of Jewish and Christian ethical and moral codes. He also wrote the first five books of the Bible, known as the Torah, which contain the laws, stories, and teachings that form the foundation of Jewish tradition and culture. Throughout his life, Moses acted as a mediator between God and the Israelites, leading them, guiding them, and interceding on their behalf. He is remembered as a humble and obedient servant of God, and his life and teachings continue to inspire and guide people of faith around the world. The exact date of Moses' birth and death is not specified in the Bible, but he is believed to have lived in the 15th century BC. He died at the age of 120, and according to the Bible, God buried him in an unknown location in the land of Moab. Moses remains a revered figure in both Judaism and Christianity, and his legacy continues to shape the beliefs and practices of countless people around the world.
Chat with MosesBiography
⭐Position held
Prophet, biblical judge
👼 Date of birth
Place of birth
Land of Goshen
💀Date of death
Place of death
Mount Nebo
Age at death
Moses related images

The 10th Plague: Death of the Firstborn
Exodus 12:30
God Guides with Cloud and Fire
Exodus 13:21
The Pillar of Cloud and Fire
Exodus 13:22
Israelites Camp at the Red Sea
Exodus 14:2
Crossing the Red Sea
Exodus 14:22
Deliverance at the Red Sea
Exodus 14:30
Song of Deliverance
Exodus 15:1
Bitter Waters Made Sweet
Exodus 15:25
Instructions for Gathering Manna
Exodus 16:16
Gathering of Manna
Exodus 16:17
Double Portion of Manna
Exodus 16:22
Preparation for the Sabbath
Exodus 16:23
Sabbath Rest and Manna
Exodus 16:26
Description of Manna
Exodus 16:31
Provision of Manna
Exodus 16:4
Victory Through Moses' Hands
Exodus 17:11
Altar Named 'The Lord is My Banner'
Exodus 17:15
The Lord's War Against Amalek
Exodus 17:16
Water from the Rock
Exodus 17:2
Moses Implements Jethro's Advice
Exodus 18:24
Arrival at Mount Sinai
Exodus 19:1
God's Revelation at Sinai
Exodus 19:16
Arrival at Mount Sinai
Exodus 19:2
God Descends on Mount Sinai
Exodus 19:20
God's Warning to the Israelites
Exodus 19:24
God's Covenant with Israel
Exodus 19:3
Moses Adopted by Pharaoh's Daughter
Exodus 2:10
The First Commandment
Exodus 20:3
Eye for Eye, Tooth for Tooth Law
Exodus 21:24
Justice for the Poor
Exodus 23:6
Kindness to Strangers
Exodus 23:9
Instructions for the Tabernacle
Exodus 25:8
Instructions for the Altar
Exodus 27:3
The Burning Bush
Exodus 3:1
God Gives Moses the Tablets
Exodus 31:18
Moses Intercedes for Israel
Exodus 32:30
Contributions for the Tabernacle
Exodus 36:3
Construction of the Bronze Basin
Exodus 38:8
Pharaoh's Daughter Finds Moses
Exodus 2:5
Birds for Burnt Offering
Leviticus 1:14
Instructions for Offering Birds
Leviticus 1:15
The Burnt Offering
Leviticus 1:4
Order of the Burnt Offering
Leviticus 1:8
Aroma Pleasing to the Lord
Leviticus 1:9
Dietary Laws Given to Israel
Leviticus 11:1
Purification After Childbirth
Leviticus 12:6
Instructions on Peace Offerings
Leviticus 3:1
Peace Offering Regulations
Leviticus 3:5Did you know?
How many times Moses was mentioned in the bible?
Moses appears 847 times in the bible.
Where is the story of Moses begins in the Bible?
Moses first mention in the bible is in the book of Exodus, chapter 2, verse 10.
What is the meaning of the name Moses?
The name "Moses" has significant historical and religious connotations. It is primarily of Hebrew origin, deriving from the Hebrew name "Mosheh" (מֹשֶׁה). The meaning of the name is traditionally understood to be "drawn out" or "delivered from the water," which is fitting considering the biblical narrative where Moses was said to be drawn out of the Nile River by Pharaoh's daughter. In a broader religious context, Moses is a central figure in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, recognized as a prophet and a leader who guided the Israelites out of Egyptian slavery and received the Ten Commandments from God on Mount Sinai. The etymological roots of the name might be traced back to an Egyptian origin, possibly related to the word "mes" or "mose," meaning "son" or "child," which was often used in Egyptian royal names. However, the Hebrew interpretation as "drawn out" is the most widely recognized in Judeo-Christian traditions due to its biblical significance.
What is the origin of the name Moses?
The name "Moses" is traditionally believed to have Egyptian origins, specifically deriving from the word "ms" or "mose," which means "born" or "son."
How popular is Moses as a baby name?
Moses is ranked 557 in the list of most popular baby boy names in the US in 2023.
Moses is one of the most important figures in the history of the Jewish people and is revered as a prophet, leader, and lawgiver in both Judaism and Christianity. He was born in Egypt to Hebrew parents, at a time when the Israelites were living as slaves in that country. According to the Bible, Moses was raised in the palace of Pharaoh but chose to identify with his people and their suffering. After killing an Egyptian who was mistreating a Hebrew slave, Moses fled to the wilderness of Midian, where he lived for many years as a shepherd. It was there that God appeared to Moses in the burning bush and called him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt and into the Promised Land. With the help of signs and wonders, Moses convinced Pharaoh to let the Israelites go, and led them on their journey through the wilderness. Moses is best known for receiving the Ten Commandments from God on Mount Sinai, which form the basis of Jewish and Christian ethical and moral codes. He also wrote the first five books of the Bible, known as the Torah, which contain the laws, stories, and teachings that form the foundation of Jewish tradition and culture. Throughout his life, Moses acted as a mediator between God and the Israelites, leading them, guiding them, and interceding on their behalf. He is remembered as a humble and obedient servant of God, and his life and teachings continue to inspire and guide people of faith around the world. The exact date of Moses' birth and death is not specified in the Bible, but he is believed to have lived in the 15th century BC. He died at the age of 120, and according to the Bible, God buried him in an unknown location in the land of Moab. Moses remains a revered figure in both Judaism and Christianity, and his legacy continues to shape the beliefs and practices of countless people around the world.
Moses was mentioned 847 times in the Bible.
first mention in the bible is in the book of Exodus, chapter 2, verse 10.
The mother of Moses is Jochebed.
The father of Moses is Amram.