Job 40
God speaks to Job, challenging him to explain the workings of the universe and affirming his power and wisdom.

God Speaks
Job 40 is a chapter that speaks to the power of God and His ability to humble us. In this chapter, God speaks to Job and challenges him to answer a series of questions. These questions are meant to show Job that God is all-powerful and that Job is not. God is asking Job to acknowledge his own limitations and to recognize that God is the one who is in control. God's questions are meant to humble Job and to show him that he is not as powerful as he thinks he is. God is reminding Job that He is the one who is in control and that Job should not be so quick to question Him. God is also reminding Job that He is the one who created the world and all that is in it. Job is humbled by God's words and realizes that he is not as powerful as he thought he was. He acknowledges that God is the one who is in control and that he should not question Him. Job's humility is a lesson for us all, as it shows us that we should not be so quick to question God and that we should recognize His power and authority.
Assuming a reader with an average reading speed of 300 WPM reads the Job, chapter 40 it would take approximately 3 minutes to finish.
There are 24 verses in Job, chapter 40.