
photo of biblical John

Biography, Summary & Biblical References

⭐Position held


⭐Roles of John in the bible

The author of three letters

💀Date of death


Place of death


Chat with John


John the Baptist is a prominent figure in the New Testament of the Bible, known for his role as a prophet and forerunner of Jesus Christ. He was born to Elizabeth and Zacharias and was considered a miracle child because Elizabeth was believed to be barren and well-advanced in age. John lived as a ascetic in the wilderness, dressed in clothing made of camel's hair and subsisting on a diet of locusts and wild honey. He gained a reputation as a powerful preacher and baptizer, and his call to repent and be baptized in the Jordan River drew large crowds from throughout the region. John is most famous for his baptism of Jesus, which he initially resisted but ultimately performed at Jesus' request. In the Gospels, John is described as recognizing Jesus as the Messiah and bearing witness to His divine nature. John was eventually imprisoned by Herod Antipas, the ruler of Galilee, for speaking out against Herod's marriage to his brother's wife. He was subsequently executed at Herod's command, but his teachings and baptism continued to have a profound impact on the early Christian movement. John is venerated as a saint by several Christian denominations, including the Eastern Orthodox, Catholic, and Protestant churches. He is sometimes referred to as "the Baptist" or "the forerunner," and his life and teachings are seen as a model of repentance and devotion to God. The exact date of John's birth and death is not specified in the Bible, but he is believed to have lived in the early first century AD. He remains an important figure in Christian tradition and is remembered for his unwavering devotion to God and his role in preparing the way for the coming of Jesus Christ.

Did you know?

How many times John was mentioned in the bible?

John appears 1012 times in the bible.

Where is the story of John begins in the Bible?

John first mention in the bible is in the book of Matthew, chapter 3, verse 1. Read the full chapter


John the Baptist is a prominent figure in the New Testament of the Bible, known for his role as a prophet and forerunner of Jesus Christ. He was born to Elizabeth and Zacharias and was considered a miracle child because Elizabeth was believed to be barren and well-advanced in age. John lived as a ascetic in the wilderness, dressed in clothing made of camel's hair and subsisting on a diet of locusts and wild honey. He gained a reputation as a powerful preacher and baptizer, and his call to repent and be baptized in the Jordan River drew large crowds from throughout the region. John is most famous for his baptism of Jesus, which he initially resisted but ultimately performed at Jesus' request. In the Gospels, John is described as recognizing Jesus as the Messiah and bearing witness to His divine nature. John was eventually imprisoned by Herod Antipas, the ruler of Galilee, for speaking out against Herod's marriage to his brother's wife. He was subsequently executed at Herod's command, but his teachings and baptism continued to have a profound impact on the early Christian movement. John is venerated as a saint by several Christian denominations, including the Eastern Orthodox, Catholic, and Protestant churches. He is sometimes referred to as "the Baptist" or "the forerunner," and his life and teachings are seen as a model of repentance and devotion to God. The exact date of John's birth and death is not specified in the Bible, but he is believed to have lived in the early first century AD. He remains an important figure in Christian tradition and is remembered for his unwavering devotion to God and his role in preparing the way for the coming of Jesus Christ.

John was mentioned 1012 times in the Bible.

first mention in the bible is in the book of Matthew, chapter 3, verse 1.