Mark 1
John the Baptist prepares the way for Jesus, who begins His ministry and performs miracles.

The Beginning of the Gospel
Mark 1 is the opening chapter of the Gospel of Mark, which is the second book of the New Testament. It begins with the introduction of John the Baptist, who is described as a messenger sent from God to prepare the way for Jesus. John is described as a man of the wilderness, clothed in camel's hair and eating locusts and wild honey. He preaches a message of repentance and baptizes people in the Jordan River. The chapter then moves on to the baptism of Jesus by John. After Jesus is baptized, the heavens open and the Holy Spirit descends upon him in the form of a dove. A voice from heaven declares Jesus to be the beloved Son of God. The chapter then moves on to Jesus' temptation in the wilderness. He is tempted by Satan, but resists and is victorious. After this, Jesus begins his ministry, preaching the good news of the kingdom of God and calling people to repentance. He also begins to gather his disciples, who will follow him and learn from him. Mark 1 is an important chapter in the Gospel of Mark, as it introduces the main characters and sets the stage for the rest of the book. It is a powerful reminder of the power of God and the importance of repentance and faith. It also serves as a reminder of the importance of following Jesus and learning from him.
Assuming a reader with an average reading speed of 300 WPM reads the Mark, chapter 1 it would take approximately 4 minutes to finish.
There are 45 verses in Mark, chapter 1.