End Times and the New Heaven and Earth
Summary of Revelation
22 chapters ● 34 min ● 95 CE
The Book of Revelation, also known as the Apocalypse of John, is a book of the New Testament of the Bible. It is a written letter from John, an apostle of Jesus, to a group of believers. The Book of Revelation covers a wide range of subjects, including the nature of Christian faith, the importance of living a life that is pleasing to God, and the end of the world. The book includes a number of visions and prophecies, as well as teachings about Christian ethics and the importance of living according to the Spirit. Key figures in the Book of Revelation include John, who is the author of the letter, as well as the believers who are the recipients of the letter. The book also mentions various other individuals, such as Jesus, God, and the angels, who are involved in the events and teachings described in the book. The book also includes a number of references to God and his actions, as well as expressions of trust and reliance on him.
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This is a wordcloud for the book of Revelation. Each word is represented by a different color and size, according to its frequency in the book.
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The Vision of Christ
Revelation, 1
20 verses ● 2 min
This chapter introduces the book of Revelation and describes the vision of Christ that the author, John, received on the island of Patmos. The author is told to write down what he sees and to send the message to the seven churches in Asia.
Read the chapterLetters to the Church of Ephesus
Revelation, 2
29 verses ● 3 min
This chapter contains a letter from Christ to the church of Ephesus, commending them for their hard work and perseverance, but also rebuking them for abandoning their first love.
Read the chapterLetters to the Church of Smyrna
Revelation, 3
22 verses ● 2 min
This chapter contains a letter from Christ to the church of Smyrna, encouraging them to be faithful in their persecution and promising that they will receive a crown of life.
Read the chapterLetters to the Church of Pergamum
Revelation, 4
11 verses ● 1 min
This chapter contains a letter from Christ to the church of Pergamum, rebuking them for tolerating false teachings and encouraging them to repent.
Read the chapterLetters to the Church of Thyatira
Revelation, 5
14 verses ● 2 min
This chapter contains a letter from Christ to the church of Thyatira, rebuking them for tolerating false teachings and immorality.
Read the chapterThe Seven Seals
Revelation, 6
17 verses ● 2 min
This chapter describes the opening of the seven seals and the judgment that is brought upon the earth. The chapter includes the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and the great multitude who are redeemed.
Read the chapterThe 144,000 and the Great Multitude
Revelation, 7
17 verses ● 2 min
This chapter describes the sealing of the 144,000 and the great multitude who are redeemed. The chapter emphasizes the protection and salvation of God's people.
Read the chapterThe Seven Trumpets
Revelation, 8
13 verses ● 2 min
This chapter describes the sounding of the seven trumpets and the judgment that is brought upon the earth. The chapter includes hail and fire mixed with blood and a third of the earth being burned up.
Read the chapterThe Five Angels and the Bottomless Pit
Revelation, 9
21 verses ● 2 min
This chapter describes the release of the five angels and the torment they bring upon the earth. The chapter also describes the bottomless pit and the release of demons upon the earth.
Read the chapterThe Little Scroll and the Two Witnesses
Revelation, 10
11 verses ● 1 min
This chapter describes the angel with the little scroll and the two witnesses who prophesy and bring judgment upon the earth. The chapter also emphasizes the importance of prophecy and the need to listen to God's word.
Read the chapterThe Two Witnesses and the Seventh Trumpet
Revelation, 11
19 verses ● 2 min
This chapter describes the two witnesses and their ministry, the death of the two witnesses, and the sounding of the seventh trumpet. The chapter also announces the coming of the kingdom of God and the reward of God's people.
Read the chapterThe Woman and the Dragon
Revelation, 12
17 verses ● 2 min
This chapter describes the struggle between the woman (representing God's people) and the dragon (representing Satan). The chapter emphasizes the victory of God and the protection of His people.
Read the chapterThe Beast out of the Sea and the Beast out of the Earth
Revelation, 13
18 verses ● 2 min
This chapter describes two beasts, one out of the sea and one out of the earth, who represent the power of evil and the deception of the end times. The chapter warns against worshiping these beasts and encourages faithfulness to God.
Read the chapterThe Lamb and the 144,000
Revelation, 14
20 verses ● 2 min
This chapter describes the Lamb (Jesus Christ) and the 144,000 who are redeemed and follow Him. The chapter
Read the chapterThe Seven Angels with Seven Plagues
Revelation, 15
8 verses ● 1 min
This chapter describes the seven angels with seven plagues, who bring the final judgment upon the earth. The chapter emphasizes the wrath of God and the certainty of His judgment.
Read the chapterThe Seven Bowls of Wrath
Revelation, 16
21 verses ● 2 min
This chapter describes the pouring out of the seven bowls of wrath upon the earth. The chapter highlights the intensification of God's judgment and the need for repentance.
Read the chapterThe Great Prostitute and the Beast
Revelation, 17
18 verses ● 2 min
This chapter describes the great prostitute, who represents the false religion and deception of the end times. The chapter also describes the beast, who represents the political and economic power of evil. The chapter warns against being influenced by the false religion and encourages faithfulness to God.
Read the chapterThe Fall of Babylon
Revelation, 18
24 verses ● 3 min
This chapter describes the fall of Babylon, which represents the destruction of the false religion and the deception of the end times. The chapter emphasizes the need for God's people to separate themselves from the false religion and to be faithful to God.
Read the chapterThe Marriage Supper of the Lamb
Revelation, 19
21 verses ● 2 min
This chapter describes the marriage supper of the Lamb, where Jesus Christ marries His bride (the Church). The chapter emphasizes the joy and celebration of God's people and the second coming of Christ.
Read the chapterThe Thousand Years and the Defeat of Satan
Revelation, 20
15 verses ● 2 min
This chapter describes the thousand years, where Satan is bound and the saints reign with Christ. The chapter also describes the defeat of Satan and the final judgment. The chapter emphasizes the certainty of Christ's reign and the final victory over evil.
Read the chapterThe New Heaven and the New Earth
Revelation, 21
27 verses ● 3 min
This chapter describes the creation of the new heaven and the new earth, where God's people will live in perfect fellowship with Him. The chapter emphasizes the complete restoration and redemption of God's people and the end of all suffering and sin.
Read the chapterThe River of Life and the Tree of Life
Revelation, 22
21 verses ● 2 min
This chapter describes the river of life and the tree of life in the new heaven and the new earth. The chapter emphasizes the abundance and prosperity of God's kingdom and the need for all people to come to faith in Jesus Christ.
Read the chapterFAQ
Assuming a reader with an average reading speed of 300 WPM reads the Book of Revelation,it would take approximately 34 minutes to finish.
There are 404 verses in the book of Revelation, which is organized into 22 chapters.
The book of Revelation was written within the range of .