Repeated Laws
Summary of Deuteronomy
34 chapters ● 80 min ● 1450-1445 BCE
The Book of Deuteronomy is the fifth and final book of the Torah, the first five books of the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Old Testament. It is a summary of the laws and instructions given to the Israelites by God through Moses, and it serves as a reminder to the Israelites of their obligations and responsibilities as God's chosen people.The book begins with a review of the Israelites' journey from Egypt to the border of the Promised Land, and it includes a number of stories and events that occurred during this journey. It also includes a number of laws and instructions on how the Israelites should conduct themselves, including laws on worship, justice, charity, and social responsibility.Key figures in the book of Deuteronomy include Moses, who delivered the laws and instructions to the Israelites, and God, who gave the laws and instructions to Moses. The book also mentions various other Israelite leaders and officials, such as the priests and the Levites, who were responsible for carrying out the various laws and instructions.
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This is a wordcloud for the book of Deuteronomy. Each word is represented by a different color and size, according to its frequency in the book.
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Israel's Journey from Horeb
Deuteronomy, 1
46 verses ● 4 min
Moses reminds the Israelites of their journey from Egypt to the edge of the Promised Land and of the disobedience that has caused them to wander for forty years.
Read the chapterIsrael's Wanderings and Encounters
Deuteronomy, 2
37 verses ● 4 min
Moses reminds the Israelites of their journey through the wilderness and their defeat of King Sihon and King Og.
Read the chapterThe Conquest of the Bashan
Deuteronomy, 3
29 verses ● 3 min
Moses reminds the Israelites of their journey to Bashan and their defeat of King Og.
Read the chapterThe Great Commandment
Deuteronomy, 4
49 verses ● 5 min
Moses reminds the Israelites of the laws God has given them and commands them to obey them.
Read the chapterThe Ten Commandments
Deuteronomy, 5
33 verses ● 3 min
Moses reminds the Israelites of the Ten Commandments and the other laws God has given them.
Read the chapterThe Shema and Love for God
Deuteronomy, 6
25 verses ● 3 min
Moses commands the Israelites to love God with all their heart, soul, and strength.
Read the chapterThe Covenant and the Conquest of Canaan
Deuteronomy, 7
26 verses ● 3 min
Moses commands the Israelites to destroy the idols of the nations they will dispossess and not to intermarry with them.
Read the chapterThe Wilderness Wanderings
Deuteronomy, 8
20 verses ● 2 min
Moses reminds the Israelites of God's provision for them during their journey through the wilderness.
Read the chapterThe Golden Calf Incident
Deuteronomy, 9
29 verses ● 3 min
Moses reminds the Israelites of their disobedience and rebellion, and of God's patience with them.
Read the chapterThe Second Set of Tablets
Deuteronomy, 10
22 verses ● 2 min
Moses commands the Israelites to follow God's commandments and to circumcise their hearts.
Read the chapterBlessings and Curses
Deuteronomy, 11
32 verses ● 3 min
Moses commands the Israelites to love God and to keep his commandments.
Read the chapterCentralization of Worship
Deuteronomy, 12
32 verses ● 3 min
Moses commands the Israelites to destroy the idols and places of worship of the nations they will dispossess.
Read the chapterWarning Against Idolatry
Deuteronomy, 13
18 verses ● 2 min
Moses warns the Israelites against following false gods and prophets.
Read the chapterDietary Laws and Tithes
Deuteronomy, 14
29 verses ● 3 min
Moses commands the Israelites to set apart tithes of their crops and herds for God.
Read the chapterThe Year of Release
Deuteronomy, 15
23 verses ● 2 min
Moses commands the Israelites to release debt every seven years and to leave the land fallow every seventh year.
Read the chapterThe Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread
Deuteronomy, 16
22 verses ● 2 min
Moses commands the Israelites to celebrate the Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of Weeks, and the Feast of Booths.
Read the chapterLaws Concerning Idolatry and False Prophets
Deuteronomy, 17
20 verses ● 2 min
Moses commands the Israelites to appoint a king and commands that the king must obey God's laws.
Read the chapterProvision for the Levites
Deuteronomy, 18
22 verses ● 2 min
Moses commands the Israelites to be careful to avoid the sins of the nations they will dispossess.
Read the chapterCities of Refuge
Deuteronomy, 19
21 verses ● 2 min
Moses commands the Israelites to appoint cities of refuge, where those who have killed unintentionally can seek asylum.
Read the chapterLaws of Warfare
Deuteronomy, 20
20 verses ● 2 min
Moses commands the Israelites on how to conduct warfare.
Read the chapterUnsolved Murder and a Female Captive
Deuteronomy, 21
23 verses ● 2 min
Moses commands the Israelites on various legal matters, including inheritance rights, the rights of the firstborn, and punishment for crimes.
Read the chapterLaws Concerning Social Behavior
Deuteronomy, 22
30 verses ● 3 min
Moses commands the Israelites on various moral and ethical conduct, including sexual conduct, the treatment of animals, and the protection of property.
Read the chapterExclusion from the Assembly
Deuteronomy, 23
25 verses ● 3 min
Moses commands the Israelites on various laws regarding the treatment of foreigners, the release of slaves, and the protection of the rights of the poor.
Read the chapterLaws Concerning Marriage and Divorce
Deuteronomy, 24
22 verses ● 2 min
Moses commands the Israelites on laws regarding marriage, divorce, and remarriage.
Read the chapterLaws Concerning Fair Treatment
Deuteronomy, 25
19 verses ● 2 min
Moses commands the Israelites on laws regarding fair treatment in legal disputes, the punishment for false testimony, and the protection of the rights of the poor.
Read the chapterThe Firstfruits and Tithes
Deuteronomy, 26
19 verses ● 2 min
Moses commands the Israelites to bring the firstfruits of their crops and herds to the tabernacle and to recite a specific statement when they do so.
Read the chapterThe Altar and the Curse for Disobedience
Deuteronomy, 27
26 verses ● 3 min
Moses commands the Israelites to set up large stones and plaster them with plaster and to inscribe on them all the words of this law.
Read the chapterBlessings for Obedience and Curses for Disobedience
Deuteronomy, 28
68 verses ● 6 min
Moses tells the Israelites the blessings they will receive if they obey God's commandments and the curses that will come upon them if they disobey.
Read the chapterThe Covenant Renewed
Deuteronomy, 29
29 verses ● 3 min
Moses reminds the Israelites of the covenant God made with them at Horeb and warns them not to make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land they are entering.
Read the chapterThe Choice Between Life and Death
Deuteronomy, 30
20 verses ● 2 min
Moses tells the Israelites that if they obey God's commandments, they will prosper, but if they disobey, they will be exiled.
Read the chapterJoshua Commissioned to Lead
Deuteronomy, 31
30 verses ● 3 min
Moses tells the Israelites that he will soon die and that Joshua will take his place as their leader.
Read the chapterThe Song of Moses
Deuteronomy, 32
52 verses ● 5 min
Moses recites a song that reminds the Israelites of God's faithfulness and warns them of the consequences of disobedience.
Read the chapterThe Blessing of Moses
Deuteronomy, 33
29 verses ● 3 min
Moses blesses the Israelite tribes, pronouncing a special blessing on each of them.
Read the chapterThe Death of Moses
Deuteronomy, 34
12 verses ● 2 min
Moses dies and is buried by God in an unknown place.
Read the chapterFAQ
Assuming a reader with an average reading speed of 300 WPM reads the Book of Deuteronomy,it would take approximately 20 minutes to finish.
There are 959 verses in the book of Deuteronomy, which is organized into 34 chapters.
The book of Deuteronomy was written within the range of .
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