
A Collection of Hymns and Prayers

Summary of Psalm

150 chapters ● 206 min ● 1000-200 BCE

The Book of Psalms is a book of the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Old Testament. It is a collection of 150 poems and songs that express a wide range of emotions and experiences, including praise, thanksgiving, trust, and lament. The Book of Psalms is attributed to King David and other Israelite kings, priests, and prophets, and it has long been a source of inspiration and comfort for people of many different cultures and religions. The Psalms are divided into five sections, each with a different theme or focus. Key figures in the book of Psalms include David, as well as other Israelite kings, priests, and prophets who are credited with writing some of the Psalms. The book also mentions various other individuals, such as enemies and oppressors, who are the objects of the Psalmists' prayers and complaints. The book also includes a number of references to God and his actions, as well as expressions of trust and reliance on him.

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The Book of Psalms is a collection of 150 ancient Hebrew poems or songs, traditionally attributed to King David. It is the longest book in the Bible and is divided into five sections, each with its own theme. The Psalms are a source of comfort and inspiration for many people, and they are often used in worship services. The first section of the Psalms is a collection of praise and thanksgiving to God. These psalms express the joy and gratitude of the psalmist for God’s goodness and mercy. They also express the psalmist’s trust in God’s protection and guidance. This section includes some of the most famous psalms, such as Psalm 23 (“The Lord is my shepherd”) and Psalm 100 (“Make a joyful noise unto the Lord”). The second section of the Psalms is a collection of laments and pleas for help. These psalms express the psalmist’s sorrow and distress, as well as his hope for God’s deliverance. This section includes some of the most well-known psalms, such as Psalm 22 (“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”) and Psalm 51 (“Have mercy on me, O God”). The third section of the Psalms is a collection of wisdom psalms. These psalms offer advice and instruction on how to live a godly life. This section includes some of the most beloved psalms, such as Psalm 1 (“Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked”) and Psalm 37 (“Do not fret because of evildoers”). The fourth section of the Psalms is a collection of royal psalms. These psalms celebrate the kingship of God and the rule of the Davidic dynasty. This section includes some of the most powerful psalms, such as Psalm 2 (“Why do the nations rage?”) and Psalm 45 (“Your throne, O God, is forever and ever”). The fifth and final section of the Psalms is a collection of psalms of praise and thanksgiving. These psalms express the psalmist’s joy and gratitude for God’s goodness and mercy. This section includes some of the most beautiful psalms, such as Psalm 103 (“Bless the Lord, O my soul”) and Psalm 150 (“Let everything that has breath praise the Lord”). The Book of Psalms is a timeless collection of songs and poems that have been a source of comfort and inspiration for many people throughout the centuries. It is a book that speaks to the heart and soul of all who read it, and it is a book that will continue to be a source of strength and hope for generations to come.

Meet the heroes of Psalm

Psalm Wordcloud
wordcloud for the book of Psalm

This is a wordcloud for the book of Psalm. Each word is represented by a different color and size, according to its frequency in the book.

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The Blessed and the Wicked

Psalm, 1

6 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 1 sets the tone for the rest of the book of Psalms by drawing a contrast between two paths: the way of the righteous and the way of the wicked. The psalm begins by describing the blessedness of those who meditate on God's law day and night, likening them to trees planted by streams of water that yield fruit in due season. In contrast, the wicked are portrayed as chaff blown away by the wind, lacking a firm foundation and destined for destruction.

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God's Anointed King

Psalm, 2

12 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 2 speaks of God's ultimate authority over all nations and kings. It declares that the nations' opposition to God and His anointed King is futile and warns them to bow down before Him lest they face His wrath.

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Trust in God's Protection

Psalm, 3

8 verses ● 2 min

In Psalm 3, David expressed his confidence and trust in the Lord amidst a time of great turmoil and uncertainty. Despite the threats and attacks from his enemies, David relied on God's steadfast love and salvation to protect him. He proclaimed that the Lord was his shield and source of hope, and ultimately, he will not be afraid.

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Trust in the Lord

Psalm, 4

8 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 4 is a prayer of David, seeking help and guidance from God in times of distress. David expresses his confidence in God's ability to hear and answer his prayers, while also warning against the pursuit of worldly treasures and the lies of false gods.

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Trusting in God's Protection

Psalm, 5

12 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 5 is a prayer of David, seeking God's help and protection from his enemies. David expresses his trust in God's righteousness and asks for guidance as he faces the wickedness surrounding him. The chapter also speaks of the fate of the unrighteous and the blessings that come to those who take refuge in the Lord.

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A Cry for Mercy in Times of Trial

Psalm, 6

10 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 6 is a heartfelt cry for mercy from a person who feels overwhelmed by their troubles. The psalmist expresses their distress in vivid imagery, describing their tears, anguish, and physical weakness. Despite their struggles, however, the psalmist maintains faith that God will hear their plea and deliver them from their afflictions.

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The Lord is our Protector

Psalm, 7

17 verses ● 2 min

In Psalm 7, David cries out to the Lord for protection from his enemies who are pursuing him. He trusts in the Lord's righteous judgment and asks Him to defend him from those who seek to harm him. David exalts the Lord, recognizing Him as the only source of refuge and strength.

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The Majesty of God and Humanity

Psalm, 8

9 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 8 is a hymn of praise concerning the majesty of God and His creation. The psalmist marvels at the vastness of the universe and yet, in His infinite wisdom, God has bestowed honor and glory upon mankind, making them rulers over His creation.

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Praising God for Justice

Psalm, 9

20 verses ● 3 min

Psalm 9 expresses the psalmist's gratitude and trust in God's unwavering justice. The psalmist praises God for His deliverance from enemies and calls on all people to acknowledge His glory and righteousness. The psalm recognizes that God's judgments are fair and that the wicked will ultimately receive their due punishment.

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The Cry of the Oppressed

Psalm, 10

18 verses ● 3 min

Psalm 10 is a lament of a righteous person who witnesses the arrogance and cruelty of the wicked flourishing. The psalmist cries out to God, asking why He seems distant and hidden while the wicked oppress the poor and vulnerable. The psalm ends with a plea for God to intervene and put an end to the wickedness.

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In the Lord I Take Refuge

Psalm, 11

7 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 11 is a call to trust in the Lord in the midst of difficult and dangerous circumstances. The psalmist is facing great adversity, but declares that he will not flee like a bird to the mountains. Instead, he takes refuge in the Lord. The psalm also emphasizes that the Lord is just and will judge the wicked.

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The Faithful Remnant

Psalm, 12

8 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 12 speaks about the state of society in which the wicked prosper and the faithful are few. The psalmist laments the prevalence of lying and deceit, and calls on God to deliver the oppressed and bring justice to the wicked.

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Trusting in God's Unfailing Love

Psalm, 13

6 verses ● 2 min

In Psalm 13, the psalmist cries out to God in distress and despair, feeling forgotten and abandoned. Despite his feelings, he chooses to embrace faith and trust in God's unfailing love, praising Him for His goodness, mercy and salvation.

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The Foolishness of Rejecting God

Psalm, 14

7 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 14 describes the state of those who reject God and choose to live their lives without Him. The chapter portrays the foolishness of such a decision, as it ultimately leads to destruction and despair.

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The Characteristics of a True Worshipper - Psalm 15

Psalm, 15

5 verses ● 1 min

In Psalm 15, David asks who is fit to dwell with God and lists the qualities of those who are allowed to worship Him. The Psalm teaches that true worship is not just about external actions, but also about the internal qualities of the heart.

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In You Alone I Trust

Psalm, 16

11 verses ● 2 min

In Psalm 16, David expresses a deep trust in God as his refuge and the source of all his blessings. Despite the dangers and temptations around him, David declares that he will not be shaken because he has set the Lord always before him. He acknowledges that God is the only one who can truly satisfy and assures himself that God will never abandon him.

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A Prayer for Deliverance from Enemies

Psalm, 17

15 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 17 is a prayer of David where he requests God to hear and answer his call for protection against his enemies who are persecuting him unjustly. David expresses his faith in God’s justice and righteousness, and his confidence in being vindicated before his enemies. He seeks refuge in the shadow of God’s wings and asks for God’s guidance to avoid the ways of the wicked.

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David's Song of Deliverance

Psalm, 18

50 verses ● 5 min

Psalm 18 is a beautiful expression of David's gratitude to God for delivering him from his enemies. Through vivid imagery and heartfelt words, David gives thanks to God for being his rock, his fortress, and his savior in times of trouble. He remembers the terror he faced and the depths of despair he experienced, but he also remembers how God rescued him and brought him to a place of safety and security.

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The Glory of God in Creation and Law

Psalm, 19

14 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 19 is a beautiful declaration of the glory of God in both creation and the law. It begins with a majestic description of the heavens, which declare the glory of God without words. The psalm then turns to an exaltation of God's law, which is perfect, sure, right, and true. The psalmist recognizes the life-giving properties of adherence to God's law, and concludes with a prayer that his words and thoughts would be pleasing to God.

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Trusting in God's Power and Protection

Psalm, 20

9 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 20 is a prayer of the people of Israel asking for God's help in times of trouble, particularly during times of war. The psalmist expresses confidence in God's ability to answer their prayers and protect them in battle. The focus of the prayer is on seeking God's favor and blessing, and trusting in His power to provide victory and success.

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The Blessedness of Trusting in God

Psalm, 21

13 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 21 celebrates the victorious reign of a king who trusts in God. The psalmist praises God for hearing his prayers, granting him success, and blessing him with abundant joy and a long life. He proclaims that the king's enemies will be defeated and that God's name will be exalted forever.

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A Cry of Anguish and Trust

Psalm, 22

31 verses ● 4 min

Psalm 22 is a raw and emotional expression of the psalmist's cry of anguish to God. The psalmist feels forsaken and alone, but ultimately expresses faith and trust in God's deliverance.

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The Lord is my Shepherd

Psalm, 23

6 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 23 expresses David's confidence in God's love and guidance. David sees God as his shepherd, who provides him with everything he needs and protects him from harm. The psalm encourages trust in God, even in the face of danger, and shows the benefits of being one of God's sheep.

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The King of Glory

Psalm, 24

10 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 24 celebrates God's sovereignty over all the earth and the requirement of holiness to approach His presence. The psalmist encourages the gates and doors of Jerusalem to lift up their heads, that the King of Glory may come in. The chapter ends with a declaration of God's eternal reign and a call to worship Him in holiness and reverence.

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Seeking Guidance from God

Psalm, 25

22 verses ● 3 min

Psalm 25 is a prayer for guidance and protection as the psalmist faces troubles and enemies. The psalmist expresses trust in God's teachings and mercy, and asks for God's forgiveness and guidance to lead him on the right path. The psalm ends with words of hope and trust in God's goodness.

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Trusting in God's Justice

Psalm, 26

12 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 26 is a prayer of King David, expressing his complete trust in God's justice as he faces false accusations and opposition from his enemies. David presents his case of innocence before God and seeks His guidance and protection. He affirms his faithfulness to God and expresses disdain for the wicked who disregard His ways.

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The Lord is My Light and Salvation

Psalm, 27

14 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 27 is a song of David that expresses his unwavering trust in the Lord in the midst of trials and enemies. He affirms his confidence in God's protection and the desire to dwell in His presence all the days of his life.

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A Cry for Help and Trust in God's Protection

Psalm, 28

9 verses ● 2 min

In Psalm 28, David cries out to God for help and protection from his enemies. He acknowledges God as his rock and refuge, and asks Him to punish those who do evil. David's ultimate confidence lies in God's strength, love, and faithfulness.

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The Majesty of God in the Storm

Psalm, 29

11 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 29 is a powerful picture of the majestic power of God revealed in the midst of a storm. The psalmist calls upon all creation to give praise to God for His strength, glory, and sovereignty over nature. The imagery of thunder, lightning, and floods underscores the power and authority of God over all things.

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A Song of Praise in Times of Trouble

Psalm, 30

12 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 30 is a song of praise that acknowledges God's faithfulness and deliverance from various trials. The psalmist reflects on the times when he cried out to God in distress and felt as though he was near death, but God heard his cries and healed him. The psalmist encourages others to give thanks to God and reminds them that his anger is only temporary, while his favor lasts a lifetime.

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Trust in the Lord

Psalm, 31

24 verses ● 3 min

In Psalm 31, the psalmist cries out to God for deliverance from his enemies, expressing confidence in God's protection and trustworthiness. He recalls past instances where God had rescued him and declares his faith in God's steadfast love.

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Finding Forgiveness and Joy in Confession

Psalm, 32

11 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 32 is a powerful psalm of confession and praise. The author reflects on the agony of unconfessed sin and the freedom and joy that comes from admitting wrongdoing before God. The psalmist encourages all who read to turn to the Lord in confession, emphasizing the trustworthiness and loving nature of God.

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Worship the Creator

Psalm, 33

22 verses ● 3 min

Psalm 33 is a call for worship and praise to the Creator of the universe. The psalmist exhorts the congregation to sing new songs of joy and thanksgiving because God's word is trustworthy and his deeds are righteous. The psalmist emphasizes that God is sovereign over the nations and that he frustrates the plans of the wicked. The psalm ends with a prayer for God to continue to show his steadfast love and mercy to those who hope in him.

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The Lord's Deliverance and Protection

Psalm, 34

22 verses ● 3 min

Psalm 34 is an expression of praise and trust in the Lord. The author, David, reflects on his personal experiences of God's faithfulness in times of trouble and how the Lord delivers and protects those who call on Him.

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A Cry for Justice

Psalm, 35

28 verses ● 3 min

Psalm 35 is a heartfelt plea for God's justice to be served against the psalmist's enemies. It is a poetic description of their wickedness and the psalmist's innocence. The psalmist calls upon God to defend him and bring to light the truth about his accusers.

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The Love and Faithfulness of God

Psalm, 36

12 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 36 reflects on the wickedness of man and contrasts it with the steadfast love and faithfulness of God. The psalmist proclaims that God's love reaches to the heavens and his faithfulness reaches to the skies. He encourages the reader to take refuge in God and find satisfaction in his abundant blessings.

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Trusting in God's Ways

Psalm, 37

40 verses ● 4 min

Psalm 37 reminds us to trust in God's plan and not to worry about the wickedness that surrounds us. The author encourages us to delight in the Lord, commit our ways to Him, and have faith that He will give us the desires of our hearts. The psalmist also warns against envy and fretting over the success of evildoers, as God will ultimately bring justice to all.

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A Prayer for Forgiveness and Healing

Psalm, 38

22 verses ● 3 min

In Psalm 38, David cries out to God in anguish over his sins and the physical and emotional pain they have caused him. He pleads for forgiveness and healing, acknowledging that his troubles are a result of his own wrongdoing. Despite his anguish, David trusts in God's mercy and power to restore him.

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Reflections on the Fragility of Life

Psalm, 39

13 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 39 is a deeply personal meditation on the fleeting nature of human life. The speaker reflects on their own mortality and the brevity of their time on earth. The psalmist struggles with the tension of being both finite and eternal, and grapples with the weight of their own sinfulness.

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Trust and Praise in the Lord's Deliverance

Psalm, 40

17 verses ● 2 min

The 40th Psalm is a reflection of David's experience of waiting on the Lord's intervention in his life, as he recalls how God delivered him from despair and placed him on solid ground. David testifies to the goodness of God, offering songs of thanksgiving and obedience. He affirms his trust in the Lord and urges others to join in praise, acknowledging God's unfailing love and faithfulness.

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Blessings for the Compassionate

Psalm, 41

13 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 41 is a prayer of King David, who expresses his cry for help and his faith in God's mercy. He acknowledges the sin he has committed and the betrayal of his enemies. However, he trusts that God will heal him and preserve him from his enemies. David also promises to continue being compassionate to the needy, and he prays for God's blessings to be upon him as a result.

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Longing for God's Presence

Psalm, 42

11 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 42 expresses the Psalmist's deep longing for God's presence and his struggle with feelings of despair and alienation. The Psalmist recalls past times when he worshiped God with others and cries out to God for help and deliverance from his enemies.

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A Prayer for Deliverance and Guidance

Psalm, 43

5 verses ● 1 min

Psalm 43 is a prayer of the psalmist, pleading with God to deliver him from his enemies and to guide him in the right path. The psalmist expresses his despair and questions why God has abandoned him, but also affirms his trust in God and his desire to worship Him.

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Remembering God's Faithfulness in Times of Trouble - Psalm 44

Psalm, 44

26 verses ● 3 min

Psalm 44 is a prayer of lament and plea for help in times of great distress. The psalmist recalls the victories and faithfulness of God in times past and questions why God seems to have abandoned them in their current situation. Despite the unjust suffering they are experiencing, the psalmist remains devoted to God and trusts in His love and mercy.

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A Royal Wedding Song

Psalm, 45

17 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 45 is a wedding song celebrating the union of a king and his bride. The psalmist invokes the beauty and splendor of the couple, likening them to a garden of precious spices and a throne of righteousness. The bride is praised as a queen among her peers, adorned with gold and fine clothing, while the groom is described as a mighty warrior and leader of his people.

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The Strength and Refuge of God in Times of Trouble

Psalm, 46

11 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 46 acknowledges God as the ultimate source of strength and refuge, even in the midst of chaos and disaster. The Psalmist reassures us that no matter what happens, we can trust God to protect us and be with us.

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The Sovereignty of God

Psalm, 47

9 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 47 is a celebration of God's sovereignty and His victory over all the earth. The author invites all people to praise God with joy and enthusiasm, acknowledging His supremacy over all other gods and rulers. The psalm also recognizes God's protection of His chosen people and His role as the ultimate king and judge of all nations.

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The City of God - Psalm 48

Psalm, 48

14 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 48 praises Zion, the city of God, for its security, beauty, and majesty. The Psalmist exalts God as the protector and king of the city, highlighting how the people rejoice and trust in Him. The Psalmist urges others to come and behold the glory of the city and join in its worship.

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The Folly of Trusting in Wealth

Psalm, 49

20 verses ● 3 min

Psalm 49 is a poetic reminder that wealth and riches cannot save us from death. The psalmist urges everyone, from the lowly to the wealthy, to pay attention and understand the fleeting nature of life. They encourage listeners to trust in God rather than material possessions, as wealth can never truly bring eternal security.

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The Judgment of God

Psalm, 50

23 verses ● 3 min

In Psalm 50, God reveals Himself as the righteous Judge who will hold all people accountable for their actions. He calls upon His people to offer true worship, repent from their sins, and trust in His salvation. The psalm concludes with a warning to the wicked and a promise of deliverance for the righteous.

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A Prayer for Forgiveness

Psalm, 51

19 verses ● 3 min

Psalm 51 is a prayer of repentance and a plea for God's mercy after King David's affair with Bathsheba and his murder of her husband, Uriah. David acknowledges his sinfulness and seeks God's forgiveness, asking to be cleansed and renewed. He acknowledges that only God has the power to purify him and create a clean heart within him.

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The Fate of the Deceitful

Psalm, 52

9 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 52 is a lament for the destruction caused by a deceitful person. The psalmist expresses his frustration and anger towards the wicked who trust in their wealth and seek to bring harm to the righteous. The psalmist calls out for divine judgment and praises God for His justice.

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The Foolishness of Denying God

Psalm, 53

6 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 53 is a lament about the wickedness of those who deny God. The psalmist expresses his dismay over the foolishness of those who refuse to acknowledge the existence of God and engage in immoral behavior. The psalmist also expresses confidence that God will eventually put an end to the wickedness of these individuals.

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Trusting God during Opposition

Psalm, 54

7 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 54 is a prayer for deliverance from enemies. David expresses his trust in God, who is his helper and sustainer. He asks God to save him from his enemies who are seeking to take his life. Despite being in a stressful situation, David remains confident in God's faithfulness and declares his certainty that God will deliver him.

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Betrayal and Trust

Psalm, 55

23 verses ● 3 min

Psalm 55 is a lament of the poet who has experienced betrayal from a close friend. He expresses his anguish, fear and confusion caused by the betrayal. The poet also reaffirms his trust in God, who he believes will help him through the difficult situation.

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Trusting God in the Face of Fear

Psalm, 56

13 verses ● 2 min

In Psalm 56, David expresses his distress and fear in the midst of persecution. Despite his fear, he chooses to put his trust in God and praises Him for His faithfulness in delivering him from his enemies.

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A Cry for Mercy in a Time of Trouble

Psalm, 57

11 verses ● 2 min

In Psalm 57, David pleads for God's mercy and protection during a time of great distress. He declares his trust in God's faithfulness and praises Him for His steadfast love and faithfulness. David ends the psalm with a declaration of his intention to praise and thank God among the nations.

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A Call for Justice and Judgment

Psalm, 58

11 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 58 is a passionate plea for God to bring justice and judgment against the wicked. The psalmist calls out those who oppress others and plot evil, declaring that even from birth they have gone astray from God's ways. They are like poisonous snakes who refuse to listen to the voice of reason and righteousness.

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Deliver Me from My Enemies

Psalm, 59

17 verses ● 2 min

In Psalm 59, David pleads with God for deliverance from his enemies. He describes the wickedness and cruelty of those who seek to harm him, but he trusts in God's protection and calls on Him to act on his behalf.

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Finding Strength in God's Victory

Psalm, 60

12 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 60 is a prayer of David in which he pleads with God to revive Israel's strength and give them victory over their enemies. David expresses his trust in God and acknowledges that without His help, their efforts would be in vain. Despite their current struggles, David reminds his people that God is faithful and will answer their prayers as they continue to seek Him.

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Finding Refuge in God

Psalm, 61

8 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 61 expresses the longing of the psalmist's heart to find refuge in the Lord. The psalmist cries out for God's help in the midst of a difficult situation and ultimately finds peace and security in the Lord's presence.

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God, My Rock

Psalm, 62

12 verses ● 2 min

In Psalm 62, the writer declares his trust in God, his rock and salvation. He emphasizes the certainty of God's protection and the futility of relying on worldly power or riches. The psalmist encourages all to place their trust in God and pour out their hearts to Him in prayer.

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A Thirst for God

Psalm, 63

11 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 63 portrays the psalmist's deep longing and thirst for God. It was written during a time of great distress, possibly when David was in the wilderness of Judah, fleeing from his son Absalom's rebellion. Despite his circumstances, David's focus is on his relationship with God. He speaks of his yearning for God's presence and his satisfaction in God's unfailing love.

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A Cry for Protection from Enemies

Psalm, 64

10 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 64 is a prayer of the psalmist to God for protection from enemies who seek to harm him through their deceitful schemes and slanderous words. The psalmist expresses his distress and fear, but also his confidence in God's justice and deliverance.

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Praise and Gratitude to God

Psalm, 65

13 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 65 expresses a deep sense of gratitude and awe towards God as the creator and sustainer of the earth. The psalmist marvels at the wonders of nature, such as the mountains and the seas, and sings of God's provision for all living creatures. The psalm ends with a declaration of God's abounding blessings.

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Shout for joy to God

Psalm, 66

20 verses ● 3 min

Psalm 66 is a vibrant expression of praise and thanksgiving to God. The psalmist invites all peoples to join in shouting for joy to God, to sing praises to his name, and to declare his wonderful deeds. The psalmist recounts deliverance from hardship and oppression, and bears witness to the power and faithfulness of God.

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God's Blessing on the Nations

Psalm, 67

7 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 67 is a prayer for God's blessing on all the nations of the earth. The psalmist asks God to be gracious to them and make His face shine upon them so that they may know His ways and salvation. The psalmist expresses confidence in God's ability to bless all the nations, and encourages them to praise Him for His goodness and faithfulness.

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A Song of Victory and Praise

Psalm, 68

35 verses ● 4 min

Psalm 68 is a celebration of God's power and justice. It begins with a call for God to rise up and scatter His enemies, and then moves into a recollection of His past deliverances and blessings for His people. The psalmist praises God for His strength and compassion, and declares that He is the true King over all the earth.

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Cry for Help in Distress

Psalm, 69

36 verses ● 4 min

In Psalm 69, the psalmist cries out to God in distress, feeling overwhelmed by the troubles and enemies who surround him. He begs God to save him, to not let him sink in the deep waters, and to turn his enemies back. The psalmist expresses his frustration and sorrow, feeling like he has been shamed and rejected by those who should have been his friends. Despite this, he puts his hope and trust in God, recognizing that God is the one who can deliver him.

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A Cry for Help

Psalm, 70

5 verses ● 1 min

Psalm 70 is a psalm of urgent pleas for God's help in times of trouble. It's a heartfelt prayer for protection and deliverance from enemies.

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A Prayer for Lifelong Protection and Deliverance

Psalm, 71

24 verses ● 3 min

Psalm 71 is a prayer from an elderly believer seeking God's protection and deliverance from his enemies. The psalmist praises God for his past deliverance and places his trust in Him for future protection. He asks for God's grace to sustain him through his old age and vows to continually praise Him.

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The Reign of the Righteous King

Psalm, 72

20 verses ● 3 min

Psalm 72 is a prayer for the righteous king who will rule with justice, compassion and righteousness. The psalmist prays for the king to protect and defend the vulnerable, bring prosperity and peace to the land, and be respected and honored by all nations. It speaks of the king's endeavors to establish righteousness and justice among his people, and the prosperity that will follow.

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Wrestling with Envy and Doubt

Psalm, 73

28 verses ● 3 min

Psalm 73 is a beautiful yet raw expression of the struggles involved in trying to maintain faith in God amidst the temptations of envy and doubt. The author, Asaph, admits to feeling jealous of the apparent success and lack of consequences of the wicked while he himself has suffered for remaining faithful to God. However, he ultimately realizes that God is his true treasure and that following Him will lead to eternal satisfaction.

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God, Why Have You Forsaken Us?

Psalm, 74

23 verses ● 3 min

Psalm 74 is a cry of distress from the psalmist, as he sees the destruction of the temple and the city of Jerusalem by foreign nations. He pleads with God to remember His covenant and to intervene in the midst of their suffering.

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God, the ultimate judge

Psalm, 75

10 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 75 acknowledges God as the ultimate judge of the earth and praises him for his righteous judgment. The psalmist encourages the wicked to repent and warns them of the consequences of their actions. The psalmist trusts in God's sovereignty, knowing that he alone exalts and brings low.

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God's Sovereignty in Victory

Psalm, 76

12 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 76 celebrates God's power and sovereignty in delivering Israel from their enemies. The psalmist describes how God's presence caused the enemy to stand still and how He shattered the weapons of the wicked. The psalm ends with a call for all people to fear and reverence God, who alone is worthy of praise.

Read the chapter

A Cry for Help to the Faithful God

Psalm, 77

20 verses ● 3 min

Psalm 77 expresses the psalmist's distress and anguish, but also his trust in God's character and power. The psalmist cries out to God, longing for relief and reassurance in a time of trouble. He looks back on past instances of God's intervention and wonders if God has forgotten him. However, he ultimately remembers God's faithfulness and seeks to trust in him once again.

Read the chapter

Lessons from Israel's History

Psalm, 78

72 verses ● 7 min

Psalm 78 recounts the history of Israel and how God proved Himself faithful despite their continuous disobedience. It emphasizes the importance of passing down the knowledge of God's faithfulness to future generations.

Read the chapter

A Cry for Mercy Amidst Destruction

Psalm, 79

13 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 79 is a lamentation written in response to the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple by the Babylonians. The psalmist cries out to God for mercy and asks that He put an end to the violence and destruction.

Read the chapter

A Cry for Restoration

Psalm, 80

19 verses ● 3 min

Psalm 80 is a lamentation prayer of the people of Israel for God to restore them. The psalmist cries out to God, reminding Him of His past faithfulness and the covenant promises He made with the people. The people are described as a vineyard that has been destroyed, and they plead for God to turn His face back to them and bring them salvation.

Read the chapter

The Invitation to Worship

Psalm, 81

16 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 81 is a call to the people of Israel to remember the goodness of God and worship Him with all their hearts. It begins with an exhortation to sing praises to God, who has delivered His people from slavery in Egypt and given them every blessing they enjoy. The psalmist then speaks in the voice of God, urging His people to turn from their idols and put their trust in Him alone. God promises that if they do, He will bless them beyond measure and satisfy their every need.

Read the chapter

God, the Righteous Judge

Psalm, 82

8 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 82 is a song of hope that reminds us that God is the ultimate judge who will bring justice to the oppressed. The psalmist challenges the judges of the earth to judge fairly and to recognize that they are accountable to God.

Read the chapter

A Prayer for Deliverance from Enemies

Psalm, 83

18 verses ● 3 min

Psalm 83 is a prayer for deliverance from enemies that surround Israel. It acknowledges the reality that Israel's enemies are many and powerful, but also affirms the belief that God is able to deliver them from harm. The psalmist pleads with God to show Himself and to bring an end to the attacks of those who seek to destroy Israel.

Read the chapter

Longing for the Presence of God

Psalm, 84

12 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 84 expresses a deep desire for the presence of God and the joys that come from being in His house. The psalmist praises God's goodness and longs for the opportunity to dwell in God's sanctuary, even to the point of envying the birds that nest there. The chapter ends with a request for God's favor and a reminder of the blessings that come with trusting in Him.

Read the chapter

A Prayer for Restoration.

Psalm, 85

13 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 85 is a prayer for restoration and forgiveness for the sins of the people. The psalmist acknowledges the Lord's mercy and asks him to restore the nation's prosperity, peace, and joy. He also offers a hopeful plea for God's salvation to come to his people.

Read the chapter

A Prayer for Help and Guidance

Psalm, 86

17 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 86 is a heartfelt prayer from David, seeking God's merciful help and guidance in times of trouble. David pleads with God to hear his prayers, to forgive him for his sins, and to teach him His ways. He expresses his confidence in God's power and willingness to answer his call and protect him from his enemies. The psalm ends with David's commitment to continue seeking God's guidance and obeying His commands.

Read the chapter

The City of God

Psalm, 87

7 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 87 is a poetic celebration of the city of God, Zion. The psalmist declares that God loves Zion above all other cities and nations, and gives a list of the peoples who have a special connection to this holy place. The psalm ends with a triumphant declaration that all who are born in Zion are blessed and belong to God.

Read the chapter

A Cry of Desperation from the Depths

Psalm, 88

18 verses ● 3 min

Psalm 88 is a heart-wrenching cry from the depths of despair, pleading for God's mercy and deliverance. The psalmist endures great suffering and isolation, feeling abandoned by even his closest companions. Yet, he remains faithful in his plea to God, recognizing His sovereignty even in the midst of his pain.

Read the chapter

A Lament for God's Unfulfilled Promises

Psalm, 89

52 verses ● 5 min

Psalm 89 is a lamentation of the psalmist regarding God's unfulfilled promises to the Davidic dynasty. The psalmist struggles with the apparent contradiction of God's promise of an eternal covenant with David and the current state of exile and loss of their homeland.

Read the chapter

The Eternal God and Mortal Man

Psalm, 90

17 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 90 is a prayer of Moses that acknowledges the everlasting nature of God and the frailty of human life. Moses reflects on the brevity of human existence in comparison to the enduring nature of the Creator. He pleads with God for compassion and mercy, asking for divine guidance and protection for the Israelites.

Read the chapter

The Protection of God

Psalm, 91

16 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 91 expresses confidence in God's protection. It highlights the safety and security that comes from dwelling in His presence and trusting in Him. The psalmist recognizes God as his refuge, fortress, and shield, delivering him from danger and harm. The chapter reassures believers that no disaster or plague will come near them if they put their faith in God.

Read the chapter

Giving Thanks to God for His Faithfulness

Psalm, 92

15 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 92 is a song of praise and thanksgiving to God for His faithfulness and goodness. The psalmist exalts the Lord for all His works, expressing joy and thanksgiving for the wonders that God has done. The psalmist also recognizes the downfall of the wicked and the triumph of the righteous, declaring that those who are planted in God's house will flourish and bear fruit, even in old age. The psalm concludes with a call to praise the Lord for His righteousness and faithful love.

Read the chapter

The Eternal Reign of God

Psalm, 93

5 verses ● 1 min

Psalm 93 declares the sovereignty and magnitude of God's reign. It speaks of His dwelling place in the heavens, His power over the raging sea, and His eternal throne. It calls us to worship Him in holiness and awe, as we acknowledge the greatness of His majesty and honor His righteous laws.

Read the chapter

God's Justice and Comfort for the Oppressed

Psalm, 94

23 verses ● 3 min

In Psalm 94, the psalmist cries out to God for justice in the face of oppression and wickedness. The psalmist acknowledges that God is a God of vengeance and justice and asks Him to take action against the oppressors. He also finds comfort in the fact that God knows the thoughts of man and will ultimately bring them to justice.

Read the chapter

Come, Let Us Sing with Joy and Thanksgiving

Psalm, 95

11 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 95 is a call to worship and praise God, the Rock of our salvation. It begins with an invitation to sing, shout, and come before God with thanksgiving and praise. The psalmist then reminds us of God's greatness, power, and sovereignty over all things. However, the tone of the psalm shifts as the psalmist warns us not to harden our hearts and rebel against God as the Israelites did in the wilderness. He urges us to listen to God's voice, obey His commands, and enter His rest.

Read the chapter

Praise and Worship to the Lord Almighty

Psalm, 96

13 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 96 encourages people of every nation and tribe to sing a "new song" and declare the glory and greatness of God. It emphasizes that the Lord is the only true God and Creator of the universe who reigns over all. The chapter calls for all creation to worship Him with joy, honor, and reverence.

Read the chapter

The Majesty of God Revealed

Psalm, 97

12 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 97 is a powerful proclamation of the sovereignty and power of God, revealing His majesty and justice. The psalmist speaks of God’s reign over the entire earth, and how all creation is called to acknowledge and honor Him. The chapter also encourages the reader to choose righteousness over evil, as those who do will find joy and light in the presence of the Lord.

Read the chapter

Praise the Lord with Joyful Song

Psalm, 98

9 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 98 is a hymn that calls everyone to sing a new song of praise to the Lord. It celebrates God's salvation and victory over evil while inviting all nations to rejoice with instruments and voices. The psalmist reminds us that the whole earth will one day sing praises to the Lord and urges us to praise him with our entire being.

Read the chapter

The Majesty of God

Psalm, 99

9 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 99 praises God's majestic rule over all nations and His holiness. The psalmist recounts examples of powerful leaders who worshiped God, including Moses, Aaron, and Samuel. The chapter concludes with a call to worship God and uphold His commandments.

Read the chapter

Make a joyful noise to the Lord

Psalm, 100

5 verses ● 1 min

Psalm 100 is a call to all the earth to make a joyful noise to the Lord. It instructs us to serve the Lord with gladness, come before His presence with singing, and know that the Lord is God. The psalm also reminds us that we are His people and the sheep of His pasture, and encourages us to enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise.

Read the chapter

Purity and Justice

Psalm, 101

8 verses ● 2 min

In Psalm 101, the psalmist declares his commitment to live a life of purity and justice. He vows to carefully choose his allies and associates, to refuse to tolerate deceit or evil, and to maintain integrity in all areas of his life.

Read the chapter

Desperate cry for help

Psalm, 102

28 verses ● 3 min

Psalm 102 is a prayer of desperation from the psalmist, who feels isolated and abandoned by God. The psalmist laments his physical weaknesses and the brevity of human life, while pleading for God's mercy and intervention.

Read the chapter

Bless the Lord, O My Soul

Psalm, 103

22 verses ● 3 min

Psalm 103 is a beautiful psalm of praise, reminding us of God's goodness and mercy toward his people. The psalmist encourages us to bless the Lord with all our soul, remembering his many benefits, including forgiveness, healing, redemption, and steadfast love.

Read the chapter

Praise for the Creator

Psalm, 104

35 verses ● 4 min

Psalm 104 is a beautiful hymn of praise for God the Creator. The psalmist paints a vivid portrait of the majesty, power, and bounty of God's creation, celebrating everything from the expanse of the heavens to the tiniest sea creatures.

Read the chapter

Remembering God's Faithfulness

Psalm, 105

45 verses ● 5 min

Psalm 105 is a reminder of God's faithfulness throughout history. The psalmist retells the stories of God's covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and how God protected and provided for the Israelites during their time in Egypt and their journey to the Promised Land. The psalmist encourages readers to give thanks and praise to God for all that He has done.

Read the chapter

Remembering God's Faithfulness

Psalm, 106

48 verses ● 5 min

Psalm 106 is a reflection on Israel's historical journey with God. The psalmist recounts the nation's rebellious acts, such as forgetting God's miracles and disobeying His commands, which resulted in judgment and captivity. Despite their disobedience, however, the psalmist acknowledges God's unfailing love and faithfulness towards His people. The psalm concludes with a plea for God to rescue His people once again and for them to praise His name forever.

Read the chapter

The Faithfulness of God

Psalm, 107

43 verses ● 5 min

Psalm 107 celebrates the faithfulness of God and His power to redeem and rescue His people in times of distress. The psalmist calls upon the redeemed people to thank the Lord for His steadfast love and to share their stories of deliverance. The psalmist highlights four groups of people who experienced God's rescue: those who were lost, hungry and thirsty in the desert, prisoners in darkness and chains, foolish who suffered due to their rebellious ways, and those who were caught in a stormy sea.

Read the chapter

A Song of Confidence in God's Victory

Psalm, 108

13 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 108 is a song of praise and confidence in God's victory over enemies. The psalmist declares his steadfast trust in God and proclaims that through God's strength, he will triumph over his enemies. The psalm also includes a call for God to show his mercy and faithfulness to his people.

Read the chapter

A Cry for Justice

Psalm, 109

31 verses ● 4 min

Psalm 109 is a heartfelt cry for justice against the psalmist's enemies. The psalmist asks God to intervene on his behalf and bring justice to those who have wronged him. He asks God to curse his enemies and to punish them for their wickedness.

Read the chapter

The Kingly Priesthood of Messiah

Psalm, 110

7 verses ● 2 min

In Psalm 110, David prophetically speaks of a future ruler who will sit at God's right hand and be both a priest and a king. This ruler, also known as the Messiah, will have dominion over his enemies and will judge the nations. The psalm ends with a declaration that the ruler will be victorious and will drink from the brook along the way.

Read the chapter

Praise the Lord for His Greatness

Psalm, 111

10 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 111 is a beautiful hymn of praise to God for His greatness and faithfulness. The psalmist proclaims the wonders of God's works and reminds us to fear and honor the Lord.

Read the chapter

The Blessed Life

Psalm, 112

10 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 112 describes the attributes and rewards of a person who fears and obeys God. The psalmist praises the righteous for their generosity, compassion, and trust in God, and assures them of their prosperity, security, and spiritual legacy.

Read the chapter

Praising God's Name

Psalm, 113

9 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 113 is a song of praise to God, who is praised for His goodness and greatness. It acknowledges God's sovereignty and mercy towards all people, from the lowest to the highest.

Read the chapter

The Power and Presence of God in Psalm 114

Psalm, 114

8 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 114 celebrates God's intervention in the exodus of Israel from Egypt, as well as His power over creation. It highlights the movement of the sea and the Jordan River, the trembling of the earth, and the removal of obstacles by God's hand.

Read the chapter

The Sovereignty of God and the Folly of Idol Worship

Psalm, 115

18 verses ● 3 min

Psalm 115 emphasizes the unique power and authority of God, who is contrasted with the lifeless idols worshipped by the nations. The psalmist praises God for His steadfast love and faithfulness to His people, and encourages them to trust in His protection and provision. The psalm concludes with a call to all the nations to recognize the supremacy of the true and living God.

Read the chapter

Gratitude for God's Deliverance

Psalm, 116

19 verses ● 3 min

Psalm 116 expresses the psalmist's gratitude for God's deliverance from death and distress. The psalmist acknowledges that in their time of need, they cried out to God who heard their voice and answered their prayers. As a result, the psalmist vows to continually serve God and offer thanksgiving for His mercy and salvation.

Read the chapter

The Universal Call to Praise God

Psalm, 117

2 verses ● 1 min

Psalm 117 is the shortest chapter in the entire Bible, yet it packs a powerful message. The psalmist calls on all nations and peoples to praise the Lord for his steadfast love and faithfulness towards us. The chapter highlights God's inclusive love for all and the importance of acknowledging and celebrating his goodness together.

Read the chapter

Give Thanks to the Lord

Psalm, 118

29 verses ● 3 min

Psalm 118 is a psalm of thanksgiving and praise to God for his goodness and mercy. The psalmist exhorts the people to give thanks to the Lord, who is their salvation and their help in times of trouble. The psalm also contains a prophetic declaration of the Messiah, who will be rejected by the builders but will become the cornerstone.

Read the chapter

The Majesty of God's Word: A Devotion to the Law

Psalm, 119

176 verses ● 16 min

Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in the Bible and is entirely devoted to exalting the Word of God. It is an acrostic poem, with each section of eight verses beginning with a letter of the Hebrew alphabet. The psalmist expresses his love for God's commands, statutes, precepts, and promises, and declares their everlasting nature, as well as their ability to give wisdom, guidance, and salvation to those who follow them.

Read the chapter

A Cry for Help in Times of Trouble

Psalm, 120

7 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 120 is a lamentation of the psalmist, who is distressed by his circumstances and seeks God's intervention. The psalmist expresses his feelings of distress and anguish, his longing for peace, and his disdain for falsehood and deceit.

Read the chapter

The Lord Guides and Protects His People

Psalm, 121

8 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 121 is a song of ascent that expresses the Psalmist's faith in God as their protector and guide. The Psalmist acknowledges that their help comes from the Lord, who watches over them day and night, keeping them from harm.

Read the chapter

The Joy of Worshiping in Jerusalem

Psalm, 122

9 verses ● 2 min

In Psalm 122, the psalmist expresses his joy and excitement for the opportunity to worship in Jerusalem, the Holy City. He encourages his fellow worshippers to join him in celebrating God's presence and blessings in the city. The psalmist also prays for peace and prosperity within Jerusalem's walls.

Read the chapter

Looking to God for Mercy and Help

Psalm, 123

4 verses ● 1 min

Psalm 123 is a heartfelt prayer of a person who feels insignificant and oppressed. The psalmist looks to God in humility, seeking mercy and help, recognizing that only God can provide protection and refuge.

Read the chapter

Our Help is in the Name of the Lord

Psalm, 124

8 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 124 is a psalm of thanksgiving and praise, acknowledging God's protection and deliverance from enemies. The psalmist declares that if it were not for the Lord, they would have been consumed by their enemies. Instead, they give thanks to God for being their help and refuge.

Read the chapter

Trust in the Lord

Psalm, 125

5 verses ● 1 min

This psalm emphasizes the importance of trusting in the Lord and having faith in His protection and guidance. Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved but stands firm forever. The wicked, however, will not endure, and those who turn away from God will face destruction.

Read the chapter

Remembering God's Faithfulness in Tough Times

Psalm, 126

6 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 126 is a song of ascent that commemorates the Israelites' return from exile to Jerusalem. The psalmist reflects on the joy and relief felt by the people after years of sorrow and tribulation. The people's tears of sorrow have turned into tears of joy as God has restored them. The psalmist praises God for his faithfulness and calls on all the nations to acknowledge and admire the great things God has done for his people.

Read the chapter

Building with God's Blessing

Psalm, 127

5 verses ● 1 min

Psalm 127 emphasizes the importance of relying on God's provision and guidance in every aspect of our lives. It highlights the futility of human efforts without God's involvement and celebrates the abundant blessings that come from a life built with God's help.

Read the chapter

The Blessing of Obedience

Psalm, 128

6 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 128 teaches that those who fear and obey the Lord will be blessed with abundance and prosperity. It describes the joy and fulfillment that comes with a life lived in accordance with God's commands.

Read the chapter

A Cry for Deliverance from Oppressors

Psalm, 129

8 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 129 is a lament of the psalmist who speaks on behalf of all Israel and pleads with God for deliverance from the hands of their oppressors. The psalmist recounts the past struggles Israel has faced, including physical oppression and verbal abuse, and expresses confidence in God's justice to defend the righteous and punish the wicked.

Read the chapter

A Cry from the Depths

Psalm, 130

8 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 130 is a profound expression of lament, hope, and trust, inspired by Israel's deep awareness of their sinfulness and God's mercy. The psalmist cries out to the Lord from the depths of despair, acknowledging his own guilt and longing for forgiveness. Yet, he also affirms his confidence in God's steadfast love and redemption, awaiting his salvation with patience and faith.

Read the chapter

Humility and Contentment in God's Care

Psalm, 131

3 verses ● 1 min

Psalm 131 is a short but powerful reflection on cultivating a humble and contented heart. The psalmist acknowledges his tendency to become prideful and anxious, but chooses instead to trust in God's loving care. He urges himself and others to find peace in resting like a weaned child on their mother's lap, releasing control and the need for worldly aspirations.

Read the chapter

Remembering God's Faithfulness

Psalm, 132

18 verses ● 3 min

Psalm 132 recounts the vow of King David to build a house for the Lord and the fulfillment of that promise by his son, Solomon. The psalm also celebrates the faithfulness of God to His covenant with David and His people, and the joy and blessings that come from dwelling in His presence.

Read the chapter

Unity in the Community

Psalm, 133

3 verses ● 1 min

Psalm 133 declares the beauty and sanctity of harmony among brothers, portraying it like anointing oil and dew from Mount Hermon. This unity, the psalmist explains, is a blessing from God and is like precious oil poured out over the head of Aaron, signifying the anointing of a high priest.

Read the chapter

A Call to Worship

Psalm, 134

3 verses ● 1 min

Psalm 134 is a short but powerful psalm that calls on the people of God to praise Him in the sanctuary. It is a message of worship and gratitude, reminding us that our relationship with God is one of a grateful servant and a loving Master.

Read the chapter

Praise the LORD, for He is Good

Psalm, 135

21 verses ● 3 min

Psalm 135 is a call to all nations and peoples to praise the LORD, the God of Israel, for His greatness, power, and goodness. The psalmist urges the people to remember God's mighty works in creation, redemption, and deliverance, and to worship Him with joy and gratitude. The psalm ends with a declaration of blessedness for those who fear and trust in the LORD.

Read the chapter

Give Thanks to the Lord

Psalm, 136

26 verses ● 3 min

Psalm 136 is a hymn of thanksgiving to God for His goodness and mercy towards His people. The psalmist recounts the many great deeds of God throughout history, from the creation of the world to Israel's liberation from Egypt and their conquest of the promised land. Each verse ends with the refrain, "His love endures forever."

Read the chapter

A Lament for Exile

Psalm, 137

9 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 137 expresses the sorrowful feelings of the Israelites who were taken captive to Babylon. The psalmist laments being forced to leave their homeland and the pain of not being able to worship in the temple. The psalm ends with a passionate cry for God to avenge their suffering.

Read the chapter

A Psalm of Thanksgiving and Praise

Psalm, 138

8 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 138 is a song of gratitude to God for His faithfulness and mercy. The psalmist expresses his deep appreciation for God's protection, provision, and guidance, and he declares his confidence in God's continued help and support.

Read the chapter

The Omniscience and Omnipresence of God

Psalm, 139

24 verses ● 3 min

Psalm 139 expresses the Psalmist's awe and reverence for God's complete and intimate knowledge of him. The chapter explores how God designed humanity, knows all their thoughts, and is ever-present with them.

Read the chapter

A Prayer Against the Wicked

Psalm, 140

13 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 140 is a prayer of King David, asking God to protect him from the schemes of the wicked. David's enemies are described as cruel, evil, and deceitful. He recognizes that only God can deliver him from their attacks and seeks refuge in the Lord's strength and justice. The psalm ends with a declaration of faith in God's ultimate victory over the wicked.

Read the chapter

A Prayer for Protection and Guidance

Psalm, 141

10 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 141 is a prayer for protection and guidance in times of trouble. The psalmist asks God to guard their mouth, keep their heart pure, and deliver them from the traps of evildoers. The psalmist also acknowledges their dependence on God and their trust in His righteousness.

Read the chapter

A Cry for Help

Psalm, 142

7 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 142 is a prayer of desperation and a cry for help from a person who feels completely alone and overwhelmed. The psalmist pours out his heart to God, pleading for deliverance from his enemies and expressing his utter dependence on God's mercy and faithfulness.

Read the chapter

Finding Hope in the Midst of Trouble

Psalm, 143

12 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 143 is a heartfelt prayer by King David, who is experiencing great distress and persecution. He cries out to God for help and guidance, acknowledging his own weakness and dependence on God. David also reflects on God's faithfulness and past acts of salvation, expressing his trust in God's goodness and steadfast love.

Read the chapter

A Prayer for Victory

Psalm, 144

15 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 144 is a prayer of David for victory over his enemies. He acknowledges that it is God who trains his hands for war and his fingers for battle, and calls on God to deliver him from his enemies. David expresses his confidence in God's faithfulness and praises Him for His love and protection.

Read the chapter

A Psalm of Praise to God's Greatness

Psalm, 145

21 verses ● 3 min

Psalm 145 expresses King David's profound admiration for God's love, power, and generosity. He describes how God's greatness has been passed down through generations, and how He satisfies his people's needs. David encourages all people to praise and worship God for being the King of kings.

Read the chapter

Praise the Lord, O my Soul!

Psalm, 146

10 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 146 is a beautiful expression of praise and trust in God. The psalmist acknowledges God's greatness and sovereignty over all things. He extols God's faithfulness to those who trust in Him and His mercy towards the oppressed and needy. He encourages his soul to put all his trust in God, who alone can provide true security and satisfaction.

Read the chapter

Praise the Lord for His Greatness and Care

Psalm, 147

20 verses ● 3 min

Psalm 147 is a beautiful hymn of praise to God who is exalted above all else. It celebrates God’s goodness, power and sovereignty over creation, as well as His tender care for His people.

Read the chapter

Praise the Lord, all creation!

Psalm, 148

14 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 148 is an exhortation to all of creation to praise the Lord, from the heavenly hosts to the sea creatures and mountains. The psalmist reminds us that all of creation was made by God and should therefore worship Him.

Read the chapter

Praise and Warfare

Psalm, 149

9 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 149 is a hymn of praise that encourages the people of God to sing and dance for joy. It also includes a call to spiritual warfare against the enemy, indicating that the Lord's people have both the privilege and responsibility to participate in His victory.

Read the chapter

Praise the Lord!

Psalm, 150

6 verses ● 2 min

Psalm 150 is a short but powerful chapter that calls for all living creatures to praise the Lord. It lists various musical instruments that can be used to worship Him and encourages everyone to acknowledge God's greatness and goodness.

Read the chapter


Assuming a reader with an average reading speed of 300 WPM reads the Book of Psalm,it would take approximately 26 minutes to finish.

There are 2461 verses in the book of Psalm, which is organized into 150 chapters.

The book of Psalm was written within the range of .