Summary of Numbers
36 chapters ● 108 min ● 1445-1407 BCE
The Book of Numbers is the fourth book of the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Old Testament. It tells the story of the Israelites as they journey from Mount Sinai to the Promised Land, following their exodus from Egypt. The book begins with a census of the Israelites, and it includes a number of stories and events that occurred during their journey.One of the main themes of the book is the Israelites' faithfulness to God and their obedience to his commands. The book also includes a number of stories of rebellion and disobedience, as well as stories of God's punishment and mercy.Key figures in the book of Numbers include Moses, who led the Israelites on their journey, and Aaron, the first high priest of the Israelites. The book also mentions various other Israelite leaders and officials, such as the priests and the Levites, who were responsible for carrying out the various laws and instructions given by God. The book also includes stories of various individuals, such as Miriam, Aaron's sister, and Balaam, a prophet hired by the Moabites to curse the Israelites.
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This is a wordcloud for the book of Numbers. Each word is represented by a different color and size, according to its frequency in the book.
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The Census of the Israelites
Numbers, 1
54 verses ● 5 min
A census is taken of the Israelites, and the organization of the tribes is outlined.
Read the chapterThe Arrangement of the Camps
Numbers, 2
34 verses ● 3 min
The Israelites are organized into four camps, with each tribe assigned a specific position around the Tabernacle.
Read the chapterThe Levites
Numbers, 3
51 verses ● 5 min
A second census is taken of the Levites, and their duties in serving the Tabernacle are outlined.
Read the chapterThe Duties of the Levites
Numbers, 4
49 verses ● 5 min
The duties of the Kohathites, Merarites and Gershonites, the three divisions of the Levites, are outlined.
Read the chapterThe Law of Jealousy
Numbers, 5
31 verses ● 3 min
Instructions are given for dealing with those who have become ceremonially unclean.
Read the chapterThe Law of the Nazirite
Numbers, 6
27 verses ● 3 min
God institutes the law of the Nazirite, which sets out specific rules for those who take a vow to be set apart to God.
Read the chapterThe Altar and Its Vessels
Numbers, 7
89 verses ● 8 min
The leaders of the tribes bring offerings to dedicate the Tabernacle.
Read the chapterThe Consecration of the Levites
Numbers, 8
26 verses ● 3 min
God gives instructions for the lighting and care of the lampstand.
Read the chapterThe Second Passover
Numbers, 9
23 verses ● 2 min
God commands the Israelites to keep the Passover, even if they are ceremonially unclean.
Read the chapterThe Silver Trumpets
Numbers, 10
36 verses ● 4 min
God commands the Israelites to make two silver trumpets for signaling and for calling the assembly.
Read the chapterThe Complaints of the Israelites
Numbers, 11
35 verses ● 3 min
The Israelites complain about the food and God sends quail and a plague.
Read the chapterMiriam and Aaron Oppose Moses
Numbers, 12
16 verses ● 2 min
Miriam and Aaron speak against Moses, and Miriam is punished with leprosy.
Read the chapterThe Spies Sent to Canaan
Numbers, 13
33 verses ● 3 min
Moses sends out twelve spies to explore the land of Canaan and they bring back a mixed report.
Read the chapterThe Israelites Rebel and are Condemned to Wander in the Wilderness
Numbers, 14
45 verses ● 4 min
The Israelites rebel against God's command to enter the land of Canaan, and as a punishment, they will wander in the wilderness for forty years.
Read the chapterThe Law of Offerings
Numbers, 15
41 verses ● 4 min
God commands the Israelites to offer special sacrifices for unintentional sins.
Read the chapterKorah's Rebellion
Numbers, 16
50 verses ● 5 min
Korah, Dathan and Abiram rebel against Moses and Aaron, but God destroys them and their followers.
Read the chapterAaron's Rod Budded
Numbers, 17
13 verses ● 2 min
God commands that Aaron's rod be kept as a reminder of his chosen position as high priest.
Read the chapterThe Duties of the Priests and Levites
Numbers, 18
32 verses ● 3 min
God commands that the priests, the descendants of Aaron, have the responsibility of the care of the sanctuary and the performance of the priestly service.
Read the chapterThe Water of Purification
Numbers, 19
22 verses ● 2 min
God commands the Israelites to purify themselves with the ashes of a red heifer.
Read the chapterWater from the Rock
Numbers, 20
29 verses ● 3 min
The Israelites are punished for not believing in God, as a result, Moses is not allowed to enter the promised land.
Read the chapterThe Bronze Serpent
Numbers, 21
35 verses ● 3 min
The Israelites defeat King Sihon and King Og, but they also complain and are punished with fiery serpents.
Read the chapterBalaam and Balak
Numbers, 22
41 verses ● 4 min
Balaam is hired to curse the Israelites, but he blesses them instead.
Read the chapterBalaam's Oracles
Numbers, 23
30 verses ● 3 min
Balaam's prophecies of the coming of a great leader, the Messiah.
Read the chapterBalaam's Blessing
Numbers, 24
25 verses ● 3 min
Balaam's final prophecy and his departure.
Read the chapterThe Sin of Baal Peor
Numbers, 25
18 verses ● 2 min
Israelites commit idolatry and immorality with Moabite women, and a plague breaks out among them as punishment.
Read the chapterThe Census of the Israelites
Numbers, 26
65 verses ● 6 min
A second census is taken of the Israelites and the land is apportioned among the tribes.
Read the chapterThe Daughters of Zelophehad
Numbers, 27
23 verses ● 2 min
The daughters of Zelophehad approach Moses, asking for their father's inheritance, as he has no sons. God commands that the inheritance be passed down to them.
Read the chapterThe Offerings of the Israelites
Numbers, 28
31 verses ● 3 min
God commands the Israelites to offer daily, weekly, and annual burnt offerings, grain offerings and peace offerings.
Read the chapterThe Festivals of the Lord
Numbers, 29
40 verses ● 4 min
God commands the Israelites to offer special burnt offerings and peace offerings on certain appointed festivals.
Read the chapterThe Law of Vows
Numbers, 30
16 verses ● 2 min
God commands that a person's vow must be fulfilled, but also commands that a parent or husband has the right to nullify a vow made by a woman under their authority.
Read the chapterThe War with the Midianites
Numbers, 31
54 verses ● 5 min
God commands the Israelites to destroy the Midianites and Moses is angry with the officers for sparing the women.
Read the chapterReuben and Gad Inherit East of Jordan
Numbers, 32
42 verses ● 4 min
The tribes of Reuben and Gad ask Moses for permission to settle in the land east of the Jordan River.
Read the chapterThe Journey of the Israelites
Numbers, 33
56 verses ● 5 min
God commands the Israelites to drive out the inhabitants of the land of Canaan and to divide the land among the tribes.
Read the chapterThe Borders of the Land of Canaan
Numbers, 34
29 verses ● 3 min
God commands the Israelites to appoint Joshua as Moses' successor and to divide the land of Canaan among the tribes.
Read the chapterCities for the Levites
Numbers, 35
34 verses ● 3 min
God commands the Israelites to appoint cities of refuge, where those who have killed unintentionally can seek asylum.
Read the chapterThe Law of Inheritance
Numbers, 36
13 verses ● 2 min
God commands that Zelophehad's daughters' inheritance must remain within their own tribe, so that the land allotted to each tribe will not be transferred from one tribe to another.
Read the chapterFAQ
Assuming a reader with an average reading speed of 300 WPM reads the Book of Numbers,it would take approximately 48 minutes to finish.
There are 1288 verses in the book of Numbers, which is organized into 36 chapters.
The book of Numbers was written within the range of .