Mark 5
Jesus heals a demon-possessed man and raises a dead girl to life.

Jesus Heals the Demon-Possessed Man
Mark 5 is a powerful chapter that speaks to the power of faith and the power of Jesus. It begins with Jesus and his disciples crossing the Sea of Galilee and arriving in the region of the Gerasenes. Here, Jesus encounters a man possessed by an unclean spirit. The man is described as living among the tombs, and he is so violent that no one can pass by him. Jesus commands the unclean spirit to come out of the man, and it does so, leaving the man in peace. The chapter then moves to the story of Jairus, a synagogue leader who begs Jesus to come and heal his daughter. Jesus agrees and on the way to Jairus' house, he is interrupted by a woman who has been suffering from a bleeding disorder for twelve years. She touches Jesus' cloak and is healed. The chapter ends with Jesus arriving at Jairus' house and raising his daughter from the dead. This miracle is a powerful reminder of the power of faith and the power of Jesus. It is a reminder that Jesus is the Son of God and that he has the power to heal and to raise the dead. Mark 5 is a powerful chapter that speaks to the power of faith and the power of Jesus. It is a reminder that Jesus is the Son of God and that he has the power to heal and to raise the dead. It is a reminder that faith can move mountains and that Jesus is the ultimate source of healing and hope.
Assuming a reader with an average reading speed of 300 WPM reads the Mark, chapter 5 it would take approximately 4 minutes to finish.
There are 43 verses in Mark, chapter 5.