

Summary of Judges

21 chapters ● 52 min ● 1100-1050 BCE

The Book of Judges is a book in the Hebrew Bible and the Old Testament of the Christian Bible. It is the seventh book of the Bible in the Hebrew Bible and the second book of the Bible in the Christian Old Testament. The Book of Judges covers the period of history in ancient Israel following the death of Joshua, the leader of the Israelites after the Exodus, and the conquest of the Promised Land. The book tells the stories of the judges, who were leaders and military leaders appointed by God to deliver the Israelites from their enemies and lead them in the ways of God. Key figures in the Book of Judges include the judges themselves, such as Othniel, Ehud, Deborah, Gideon, and Samson, as well as various other individuals and groups who are involved in the stories contained in the book. The book also includes a number of references to God and his actions, as well as expressions of trust and reliance on him.

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The Book of Judges is the seventh book of the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Old Testament. It is a narrative of the history of the Israelites from the death of Joshua to the beginning of the monarchy. The book is divided into two parts: the first part (chapters 1-16) is a narrative of the period of the Judges, and the second part (chapters 17-21) is a collection of stories about the Judges. The book begins with the death of Joshua and the Israelites’ failure to drive out the Canaanites from the land. This failure leads to a period of oppression by the Canaanites, and the Israelites cry out to God for help. In response, God raises up Judges to deliver the Israelites from their oppressors. The Judges are charismatic leaders who are endowed with special powers from God to lead the people. The book then tells the stories of the various Judges, including Othniel, Ehud, Deborah, Gideon, Jephthah, and Samson. Each of these Judges is called by God to deliver the Israelites from their enemies. The stories of the Judges are often violent and bloody, as they fight against the Canaanites and other enemies of Israel. The book ends with the death of Samson and the Israelites’ failure to establish a monarchy. This failure leads to a period of anarchy and chaos, and the book serves as a warning to the Israelites to remain faithful to God and to obey his commands. The Book of Judges is an important book in the Bible, as it provides a vivid picture of the period of the Judges and the struggles of the Israelites to remain faithful to God. It also serves as a reminder of the importance of obedience to God’s commands and of the consequences of disobedience.
Judges Wordcloud
wordcloud for the book of Judges

This is a wordcloud for the book of Judges. Each word is represented by a different color and size, according to its frequency in the book.

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Israel's Continuing Conquest

Judges, 1

36 verses ● 4 min

The Israelites begin to worship other gods, and as a result, God allows them to be oppressed by their enemies.

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Israel's Unfaithfulness

Judges, 2

23 verses ● 2 min

The Israelites continue to worship other gods, and as a result, God raises up judges to deliver them from their oppressors.

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The Nations Remaining in Canaan

Judges, 3

31 verses ● 3 min

God allows certain nations to remain in the Promised Land as a test for the Israelites.

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Yael Kills Sisera

Judges, 4

24 verses ● 3 min

Deborah, a prophetess, leads Israel to victory against the Canaanites.

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The Song of Deborah

Judges, 5

31 verses ● 3 min

Deborah and Barak sing a song of victory and praise God.

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Gideon's Call

Judges, 6

40 verses ● 4 min

The Israelites are oppressed by the Midianites, and God raises up Gideon to deliver them.

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Gideon's 300 Men

Judges, 7

25 verses ● 3 min

Gideon defeats the Midianites with a small army.

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Gideon's Ephod

Judges, 8

35 verses ● 3 min

Gideon and his men capture and kill the Midianite kings.

Read the chapter

Abimelech's Ambition

Judges, 9

57 verses ● 5 min

Abimelech, one of Gideon's sons, becomes king and kills his brothers to consolidate power.

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Israel's Repentance

Judges, 10

18 verses ● 2 min

The Israelites again worship other gods and are oppressed by their enemies.

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Jephthah's Vow

Judges, 11

40 verses ● 4 min

Jephthah, a judge, delivers Israel from the Ammonites.

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Jephthah's Conflict with Ephraim

Judges, 12

15 verses ● 2 min

The Israelites are again oppressed and God raises up Samson to deliver them.

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The Birth of Samson

Judges, 13

25 verses ● 3 min

Samson is born and is dedicated to God as a Nazirite.

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Samson's Marriage and Riddle

Judges, 14

20 verses ● 2 min

Samson marries a Philistine woman and begins to judge Israel.

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Samson's Revenge with the Jawbone

Judges, 15

20 verses ● 2 min

Samson defeats the Philistines with the strength God gave him.

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Samson's Destructive Triumph:

Judges, 16

31 verses ● 3 min

Samson falls in love with Delilah, who betrays him and causes him to lose his strength.

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Micah's Idolatry

Judges, 17

13 verses ● 2 min

The Israelites again worship other gods and are oppressed by their enemies.

Read the chapter

The Tribe of Dan's Idolatry

Judges, 18

31 verses ● 3 min

The tribe of Dan, in search of land, takes the city of Laish and renames it Dan.

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The Levite's Concubine

Judges, 19

30 verses ● 3 min

A Levite's concubine is raped and murdered, leading to a civil war among the tribes of Israel.

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Battle Against the Benjamites

Judges, 20

48 verses ● 5 min

The Israelites unite to punish the tribe of Benjamin for the crime, but end up killing all the men, women and children of the tribe.

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Capture of Wives for the Benjamites

Judges, 21

25 verses ● 3 min

The Israelites regret their actions and work to repopulate the tribe of Benjamin by allowing the remaining Benjaminite men to take wives from a group of women who had gathered at Shiloh.

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Assuming a reader with an average reading speed of 300 WPM reads the Book of Judges,it would take approximately 52 minutes to finish.

There are 618 verses in the book of Judges, which is organized into 21 chapters.

The book of Judges was written within the range of .