Return from Exile
Summary of Ezra
10 chapters ● 24 min ● 450-420 BCE
The Book of Ezra is a book of the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Old Testament. It tells the story of the return of the exiled Israelites to the land of Israel after the fall of the Kingdom of Judah to the Babylonians. The book begins with the decree of the Persian King Cyrus, who allows the Israelites to return to their homeland and rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem. It includes the story of Ezra, a priest and scribe who is appointed by the Persian authorities to lead the Israelites in the rebuilding of the Temple and the restoration of the law and worship of God. The book also includes a list of the families and individuals who returned to the land of Israel, as well as a record of the rebuilding of the Temple and the establishment of the Jewish community in Jerusalem. Key figures in the book of Ezra include Ezra, Cyrus, and the Persian officials who supported the rebuilding of the Temple. The book also mentions various other individuals, such as the priests and the Levites, who played a role in the rebuilding and restoration of the Temple and the community
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This is a wordcloud for the book of Ezra. Each word is represented by a different color and size, according to its frequency in the book.
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Commissioning of Ezra
Ezra, 1
11 verses ● 1 min
Ezra is commissioned by King Artaxerxes to lead the return of the exiles to Jerusalem and to enforce the law.
Read the chapterReturn of the Exiles to Jerusalem
Ezra, 2
70 verses ● 6 min
The list of the exiles who returned to Jerusalem under the leadership of Ezra.
Read the chapterRebuild the Altar and Celebrate the Feast of Passover
Ezra, 3
13 verses ● 2 min
The rebuilding of the altar in Jerusalem and the celebration of the feast of Passover.
Read the chapterOpposition to the Rebuilding
Ezra, 4
24 verses ● 3 min
Opposition to the rebuilding of the temple by the neighboring peoples, including the writing of a letter to King Artaxerxes.
Read the chapterThe Rebuilding Continues
Ezra, 5
17 verses ● 2 min
The rebuilding of the temple continues under the leadership of Ezra and the support of the prophets Haggai and Zechariah.
Read the chapterDedication of the Temple
Ezra, 6
22 verses ● 2 min
The dedication of the temple and the celebration of the feast of Tabernacles.
Read the chapterEzra's Journey to Jerusalem
Ezra, 7
28 verses ● 3 min
Ezra's journey to Jerusalem and his arrival in the city.
Read the chapterEzra's Assembly
Ezra, 8
36 verses ● 4 min
Ezra assembles the exiles to hear the law and to worship.
Read the chapterIntermarriage with Foreigners
Ezra, 9
15 verses ● 2 min
The problem of intermarriage with foreigners and Ezra's response.
Read the chapterRepentance and Renewal
Ezra, 10
44 verses ● 4 min
The repentance and renewal of the exiles, including the removal of foreign wives and the celebration of the feast of the Passover.
Read the chapterFAQ
Assuming a reader with an average reading speed of 300 WPM reads the Book of Ezra,it would take approximately 24 minutes to finish.
There are 280 verses in the book of Ezra, which is organized into 10 chapters.
The book of Ezra was written within the range of .