Mark 2
Jesus forgives a paralyzed man's sins and heals him.

Jesus Heals a Paralytic
Mark 2 is a chapter that focuses on Jesus' ministry and the miracles he performed. In this chapter, Jesus heals a paralytic man, forgives his sins, and calls Levi to follow him. Jesus also challenges the religious leaders of the day by eating with sinners and tax collectors. The first miracle in this chapter is the healing of the paralytic man. Jesus shows his power and authority by forgiving the man's sins and healing him. This miracle demonstrates Jesus' compassion and mercy for those who are suffering. It also serves as a reminder that Jesus has the power to forgive sins and heal the sick. The second miracle in this chapter is the calling of Levi. Jesus calls Levi to follow him and become a disciple. This is significant because it shows that Jesus is willing to accept anyone, regardless of their past. It also serves as a reminder that Jesus is willing to forgive and accept all who come to him. The third miracle in this chapter is Jesus' challenge to the religious leaders of the day. Jesus eats with sinners and tax collectors, which is seen as a sign of disrespect by the religious leaders. This is significant because it shows that Jesus is willing to accept and forgive all who come to him, regardless of their past. Overall, Mark 2 is a chapter that focuses on Jesus' ministry and the miracles he performed. It serves as a reminder of Jesus' power and authority, his willingness to forgive and accept all who come to him, and his challenge to the religious leaders of the day.
Assuming a reader with an average reading speed of 300 WPM reads the Mark, chapter 2 it would take approximately 3 minutes to finish.
There are 28 verses in Mark, chapter 2.