John 6
Jesus feeds the 5,000 and teaches about the bread of life.

The Feeding of the Five Thousand
John 6 is a chapter that speaks to the power of Jesus and His ability to provide for the needs of the people. In this chapter, Jesus performs a miracle of feeding five thousand people with just five loaves of bread and two fish. This miracle is a testament to Jesus' power and His willingness to provide for the people. The people are so amazed by this miracle that they want to make Jesus their king. Jesus, however, knows that His mission is not to be a political leader, but to be a spiritual leader. He withdraws from the crowd and goes up to a mountain to pray. The chapter then shifts to Jesus' teaching about the Bread of Life. Jesus explains that He is the Bread of Life and that those who come to Him will never be hungry or thirsty. He also explains that those who believe in Him will have eternal life. John 6 is a powerful chapter that speaks to the power of Jesus and His ability to provide for the needs of the people. It also speaks to the importance of faith in Jesus and His promise of eternal life. This chapter is a reminder of the power of Jesus and His willingness to provide for us.
Assuming a reader with an average reading speed of 300 WPM reads the John, chapter 6 it would take approximately 6 minutes to finish.
There are 71 verses in John, chapter 6.