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United States
Churches in Virginia, United States
There are 129 Churches in Virginia, United States
Aquia Church
Augusta Stone Church
Bear Mountain Indian Mission School
Bedford Historic Meetinghouse
Bethel Baptist Church (Midlothian, Virginia)
Bethel Memorial Church
Big Spring Baptist Church (Elliston, Virginia)
Blandford Church
Buck Mountain Episcopal Church
Buffalo Mountain Presbyterian Church and Cemetery
Buffalo Presbyterian Church
Burke's Garden Central Church and Cemetery
Butterwood Methodist Church and Butterwood Cemetery
Byrd Presbyterian Church
Chester Presbyterian Church
Christ Church
Christ Church Glendower
Christ Episcopal Church
Christ Episcopal Church
Christiansburg Presbyterian Church
Church Hill
Church of St. John the Baptist
Church of the Ascension, Anglican
Cove Presbyterian Church
Crockett's Cove Presbyterian Church
Cypress Chapel Christian Church
Dinwiddie Presbyterian Church and Cemetery
Earlysville Union Church
Ebenezer Baptist Churches
Edgemont Church
Emmanuel Church at Brook Hill
Fairfax Community Church
First Baptist Church of Covington, Virginia
Floyd Presbyterian Church
Fork Church
Frying Pan Meetinghouse
Glebe Church
Glebe House of St. Anne's Parish
Goose Creek Meetinghouse Complex
Grace Church
Grace Episcopal Church
Greenwich Presbyterian Church and Cemetery
Hartwood Presbyterian Church
Hebron Lutheran Church
Hickory Neck Church
Hope Church
Immanuel Bible Church
Immanuel Episcopal Church
John Wesley Methodist Episcopal Church and Cemetery
Korean Central Presbyterian Church
Lamb's Creek Church
Laurel Avenue Church of Christ
Lexington Presbyterian Church
Little Fork Church
Lomax African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church
Lower Church
Mabel Memorial Chapel
Mangohick Church
Martin's Brandon Church
Mattaponi Church
Mitchells Presbyterian Church
Monumental Church
Mt. Olive Methodist Episcopal Church
New Prospect Church
New Providence Presbyterian Church (Brownsburg, Virginia)
Oakland Grove Presbyterian Church
Old Donation Episcopal Church
Old Providence Presbyterian Church
Old Providence Stone Church
Old Rectory
Old Stone Church
Old Stone Church (White Hall, Virginia)
Olivet Presbyterian Church
Opequon Presbyterian Church
Pohick Church
Presbyterian Church of Fredericksburg
Providence Presbyterian Church
Saint Paul's Church
Saint Paul's Vestry House
Saint Stephen's Episcopal Church
Salem Presbyterian Church (Salem, Virginia)
Sappony Church
Second Presbyterian Church
Second Presbyterian Church (Richmond, Virginia)
Sharon Lutheran Church and Cemetery
Slash Church
Slate Mountain Presbyterian Church and Cemetery
South River Friends Meetinghouse
St. George's Episcopal Church
St. James Church (Charlottesville, Virginia)
St. John's Church
St. John's Church
St. John's Church
St. John's Episcopal Church
St. John's Lutheran Church and Cemetery
St. Luke's Church
St. Margaret's Episcopal Church
St. Mark's Episcopal Church
St. Mary's Church
St. Mary's, Whitechapel
St. Matthew's Church (Champlain, Virginia)
St. Paul's Church
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
St. Paul's Episcopal Church (Hanover, Virginia)
St. Peter's Church
St. Peter's Church
St. Peter's Episcopal Church (Oak Grove, Virginia)
St. Stephen's Church
The Falls Church
The Falls Church
Timber Ridge Presbyterian Church
Tinkling Spring Presbyterian Church
Trinity Church (Beaverdam, Virginia)
Trinity Presbyterian Church (Charlottesville, Virginia)
Trinity United Methodist Church (Ellett, Virginia)
Truro Church
Vauter's Church
Virginia City Church
Waddell Memorial Presbyterian Church
Walker's Creek Presbyterian Church
Warrenton Presbyterian Church
Westover Church
White Oak Church
Wickliffe Church
Willis Presbyterian Church and Cemetery
Woodlawn Quaker Meetinghouse
Yeocomico Church
Zion Christian Church, Suffolk, Virginia
Churches in United States