Bible Verses About Evil - Powerful Scriptures to Conquer Darkness

bible verses about Evil

In times of trouble and uncertainty, we often question the existence of good and evil in the world. However, the Word of God gives us hope and strength to face the evils of the world. The powerful scriptures in this collection teach us how to conquer darkness and find strength in our faith. From the story of Adam and Eve to the Book of Revelation, the Bible has many teachings about spiritual warfare and how we can find victory over evil. With these Bible verses about evil, you can find guidance and solace in your faith and conquer the darkness that surrounds us.

Evil in the Bible

41 Bible Scriptures about Evil

Genesis, Chapter: 44, verse: 5

Is not this it in which my lord drinketh, and whereby indeed he divineth? ye have done evil in so doing.

Read the chapter

Exodus, Chapter: 7, verse: 11

Then Pharaoh also called the wise men and the sorcerers: now the magicians of Egypt, they also did in like manner with their enchantments.

Read the chapter

1 Samuel, Chapter: 16, verse: 23

And it came to pass, when the evil spirit from God was upon Saul, that David took an harp, and played with his hand: so Saul was refreshed, and was well, and the evil spirit departed from him.

Read the chapter

1 Kings, Chapter: 16, verse: 30

And Ahab the son of Omri did evil in the sight of the LORD above all that were before him.

Read the chapter

2 Kings, Chapter: 21, verse: 2

And he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD, after the abominations of the heathen, whom the LORD cast out before the children of Israel.

Read the chapter

2 Chronicles, Chapter: 21, verse: 6

And he walked in the way of the kings of Israel, like as did the house of Ahab: for he had the daughter of Ahab to wife: and he wrought that which was evil in the eyes of the LORD.

Read the chapter

2 Chronicles, Chapter: 22, verse: 3

He also walked in the ways of the house of Ahab: for his mother was his counseller to do wickedly.

Read the chapter

2 Chronicles, Chapter: 22, verse: 4

Wherefore he did evil in the sight of the LORD like the house of Ahab: for they were his counsellers after the death of his father to his destruction.

Read the chapter

2 Chronicles, Chapter: 36, verse: 9

Jehoiachin was eight years old when he began to reign, and he reigned three months and ten days in Jerusalem: and he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD.

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Psalm, Chapter: 10, verse: 8

He sitteth in the lurking places of the villages: in the secret places doth he murder the innocent: his eyes are privily set against the poor.

Read the chapter

Psalm, Chapter: 37, verse: 1

{A Psalm of David.} Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity.

Read the chapter

Psalm, Chapter: 37, verse: 27

Depart from evil, and do good; and dwell for evermore.

Read the chapter

Psalm, Chapter: 94, verse: 4

How long shall they utter and speak hard things? and all the workers of iniquity boast themselves?

Read the chapter

Proverbs, Chapter: 1, verse: 16

For their feet run to evil, and make haste to shed blood.

Read the chapter

Proverbs, Chapter: 2, verse: 12

To deliver thee from the way of the evil man, from the man that speaketh froward things;

Read the chapter

Proverbs, Chapter: 2, verse: 14

Who rejoice to do evil, and delight in the frowardness of the wicked;

Read the chapter

Ecclesiastes, Chapter: 6, verse: 1

There is an evil which I have seen under the sun, and it is common among men:

Read the chapter

Jeremiah, Chapter: 6, verse: 5

Arise, and let us go by night, and let us destroy her palaces.

Read the chapter

Ezekiel, Chapter: 11, verse: 2

Then said he unto me, Son of man, these are the men that devise mischief, and give wicked counsel in this city:

Read the chapter

Micah, Chapter: 3, verse: 2

Who hate the good, and love the evil; who pluck off their skin from off them, and their flesh from off their bones;

Read the chapter

Micah, Chapter: 3, verse: 3

Who also eat the flesh of my people, and flay their skin from off them; and they break their bones, and chop them in pieces, as for the pot, and as flesh within the caldron.

Read the chapter

Nahum, Chapter: 1, verse: 11

There is one come out of thee, that imagineth evil against the LORD, a wicked counseller.

Read the chapter

Matthew, Chapter: 13, verse: 25

But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.

Read the chapter

Matthew, Chapter: 26, verse: 59

Now the chief priests, and elders, and all the council, sought false witness against Jesus, to put him to death;

Read the chapter

Mark, Chapter: 7, verse: 22

Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness:

Read the chapter

Mark, Chapter: 12, verse: 7

But those husbandmen said among themselves, This is the heir; come, let us kill him, and the inheritance shall be ours.

Read the chapter

Acts, Chapter: 25, verse: 3

And desired favour against him, that he would send for him to Jerusalem, laying wait in the way to kill him.

Read the chapter

1 Corinthians, Chapter: 15, verse: 33

Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.

Read the chapter

Ephesians, Chapter: 2, verse: 2

Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:

Read the chapter

Ephesians, Chapter: 5, verse: 16

Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.

Read the chapter

Ephesians, Chapter: 6, verse: 12

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Read the chapter

Philippians, Chapter: 3, verse: 2

Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision.

Read the chapter

2 Thessalonians, Chapter: 2, verse: 7

For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.

Read the chapter

1 Timothy, Chapter: 6, verse: 4

He is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings,

Read the chapter

2 Timothy, Chapter: 3, verse: 13

But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.

Read the chapter

James, Chapter: 3, verse: 8

But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.

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James, Chapter: 4, verse: 16

But now ye rejoice in your boastings: all such rejoicing is evil.

Read the chapter

Revelation, Chapter: 12, verse: 3

And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.

Read the chapter

Revelation, Chapter: 16, verse: 13

And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.

Read the chapter

Revelation, Chapter: 17, verse: 13

These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.

Read the chapter

Revelation, Chapter: 20, verse: 8

And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.

Read the chapter