Matthew 9
Jesus forgives a paralyzed man's sins and heals him.

Jesus Calls Matthew and Heals a Paralytic
Matthew 9 is a chapter that speaks to the power of Jesus and his ability to heal and forgive. In this chapter, Jesus is seen healing a paralytic, forgiving a woman's sins, and raising a dead girl. These miracles demonstrate Jesus' power and authority over sickness, sin, and death. The first miracle in this chapter is the healing of the paralytic. Jesus is approached by four men who bring a paralytic to him. Jesus forgives the man's sins and then heals him, demonstrating his power over sickness and sin. This miracle shows that Jesus has the power to forgive and heal, and that he is willing to do so. The second miracle is the forgiveness of the woman's sins. Jesus is approached by a woman who had been caught in the act of adultery. Jesus forgives her sins, demonstrating his power over sin and his willingness to forgive. This miracle shows that Jesus is willing to forgive those who have sinned, and that he has the power to do so. The third miracle is the raising of the dead girl. Jesus is approached by a man whose daughter had died. Jesus raises the girl from the dead, demonstrating his power over death. This miracle shows that Jesus has the power to bring life back from the dead, and that he is willing to do so. Overall, Matthew 9 is a chapter that speaks to the power of Jesus and his ability to heal and forgive. These miracles demonstrate Jesus' power and authority over sickness, sin, and death, and show that he is willing to use his power to help those in need.
Assuming a reader with an average reading speed of 300 WPM reads the Matthew, chapter 9 it would take approximately 4 minutes to finish.
There are 38 verses in Matthew, chapter 9.