Luke 20
Jesus is questioned by the religious leaders, teaches about the resurrection and the importance of paying taxes to Caesar.

The Healing of the Blind Man at Bethsaida
Luke 20 is a chapter that speaks to the authority of Jesus and the power of his words. In this chapter, Jesus is confronted by the religious leaders of the day who are trying to test him and trap him with their questions. Jesus responds to their questions with wisdom and authority, showing that he is not only knowledgeable but also has the power to speak with authority. The first question posed to Jesus is about the authority of John the Baptist. Jesus responds by saying that John was a prophet sent from God and that his authority was from God. This response shows that Jesus is not only knowledgeable but also has the power to speak with authority. The second question posed to Jesus is about the payment of taxes to Caesar. Jesus responds by saying to give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to give to God what is God's. This response shows that Jesus is not only knowledgeable but also has the power to speak with authority. The third question posed to Jesus is about the resurrection of the dead. Jesus responds by saying that those who are in the graves will hear the voice of the Son of Man and come out. This response shows that Jesus is not only knowledgeable but also has the power to speak with authority. The fourth question posed to Jesus is about the greatest commandment. Jesus responds by saying to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind. This response shows that Jesus is not only knowledgeable but also has the power to speak with authority. In Luke 20, Jesus shows that he is not only knowledgeable but also has the power to speak with authority. He is able to answer the questions posed to him with wisdom and authority, showing that he is the Son of God and
Assuming a reader with an average reading speed of 300 WPM reads the Luke, chapter 20 it would take approximately 4 minutes to finish.
There are 47 verses in Luke, chapter 20.