שופטים 3
האל מרשה לגויים מסוימים להישאר בארץ המובטחת כמבחן לבני ישראל.

The Nations Remaining in Canaan
Judges chapter 3 is a continuation of the story of the Israelites’ struggle to remain faithful to God in the face of the many temptations of the surrounding nations. In this chapter, we see the Lord allowing the nations of Moab, Ammon, and Edom to remain in the land as a test for the Israelites. The Lord knew that the Israelites would be tempted to worship the gods of these nations, and He wanted to see if they would remain faithful to Him. The Israelites, however, failed the test. They began to worship the gods of the nations around them, and the Lord sent the prophet Othniel to judge them. Othniel warned the Israelites of the consequences of their actions, but they refused to listen. As a result, the Lord allowed the Moabites, Ammonites, and Edomites to oppress the Israelites for eight years. This chapter serves as a reminder to us of the importance of remaining faithful to God, even in the face of temptation. We must remember that God is always watching us, and He will judge us for our actions. We must strive to remain obedient to Him, no matter what the cost.
שאלות נפוצות
בהנחה שקורא עם מהירות קריאה ממוצעת של 300 WPM קורא את הספר של שופטים, פרקים 3 זה ייקח בערך 3 דקות לסיום.
יש 31 verses in שופטים, פרקים 3.