שופטים 21
ישראל מתחרטים על מעשיהם ומתחילים לשנות את שבט בנימין על ידי התירה לאנשי בנימין הנותרים לקחת נשים מקבוצת נשים שנצברו בשילה.

The Levirate Marriage and the Benjamite Remnant
Judges 21 is the final chapter of the book of Judges, and it serves as a fitting conclusion to the tumultuous period of Israelite history that it describes. The chapter begins with the Israelites gathering together in Mizpah to make a solemn vow to God that they will not allow any of their daughters to marry outside of their tribe. This vow is a sign of the Israelites’ commitment to their faith and to their tribal identity, and it serves as a reminder of the importance of maintaining the purity of the Israelite people. The chapter then goes on to describe how the Israelites were able to fulfill their vow. They did so by finding a way to provide wives for the remaining 600 men of the tribe of Benjamin who had not been able to find wives among their own people. The Israelites did this by having the men of Benjamin ambush a group of women from the town of Shiloh who were celebrating a festival. The men of Benjamin then took the women as their wives, thus ensuring that the tribe of Benjamin would not be wiped out. The chapter ends with a reminder of the importance of following God’s commands. The Israelites had made a vow to God, and they had kept it. This serves as a reminder to all of us that we should strive to keep our promises to God, no matter how difficult they may be. Overall, Judges 21 serves as a fitting conclusion to the book of Judges. It reminds us of the importance of faithfulness to God and of the need to maintain the purity of the Israelite people. It also serves as a reminder that we should strive to keep our promises to God, no matter how difficult they may be.
שאלות נפוצות
בהנחה שקורא עם מהירות קריאה ממוצעת של 300 WPM קורא את הספר של שופטים, פרקים 21 זה ייקח בערך 3 דקות לסיום.
יש 25 verses in שופטים, פרקים 21.