ג'ון 15
Meet the heroes of ג'ון
John 15 is a powerful chapter that speaks to the importance of abiding in Christ. Jesus tells his disciples that he is the true vine and that they are the branches. He explains that if they abide in him, they will bear much fruit. He also warns them that if they do not abide in him, they will be cut off and thrown into the fire. This is a powerful metaphor that speaks to the importance of having a relationship with Jesus. Jesus then goes on to explain that his disciples are his friends if they do what he commands. He tells them that he has chosen them and that they should love one another as he has loved them. This is a reminder that we are called to love one another as Jesus has loved us. Finally, Jesus tells his disciples that they will be persecuted for his name's sake. He encourages them to remain strong and to remember that he has overcome the world. This is a reminder that we can have hope in the midst of suffering and persecution. John 15 is a powerful chapter that speaks to the importance of abiding in Christ and loving one another. It is a reminder that we can have hope in the midst of suffering and persecution.
שאלות נפוצות
בהנחה שקורא עם מהירות קריאה ממוצעת של 300 WPM קורא את הספר של ג'ון, פרקים 15 זה ייקח בערך 1 דקות לסיום.
יש 0 verses in ג'ון, פרקים 15.