מעשי השליחים 14

image of Acts 14



Acts 14 is a chapter that focuses on the missionary journeys of Paul and Barnabas. The two apostles travel to the cities of Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch, preaching the gospel and performing miracles. In Lystra, Paul heals a man who had been crippled from birth, and the people of the city respond by proclaiming Paul and Barnabas to be gods. Paul and Barnabas rebuke the people and explain that they are merely servants of the one true God. The chapter then moves to Iconium, where the people of the city respond to Paul and Barnabas’ preaching with mixed reactions. Some believe, while others oppose them. The opposition becomes so great that Paul and Barnabas are forced to flee the city. The chapter ends with Paul and Barnabas arriving in Antioch, where they preach the gospel and establish a church. This church would become the foundation for the spread of Christianity throughout the region. Acts 14 is an important chapter in the book of Acts, as it highlights the missionary journeys of Paul and Barnabas and the spread of the gospel. It also serves as a reminder of the power of God’s word and the importance of perseverance in the face of opposition.

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בהנחה שקורא עם מהירות קריאה ממוצעת של 300 WPM קורא את הספר של מעשי השליחים, פרקים 14 זה ייקח בערך 1 דקות לסיום.

יש 0 verses in מעשי השליחים, פרקים 14.