2 Thessalonians, 3

2 Thessalonians, 3


Bible version


In 2 Thessalonians 3, Paul continues to encourage the Thessalonian church to remain faithful to the gospel and to live in a manner that is pleasing to God. He begins by reminding them of the importance of prayer, and encourages them to pray for one another. He then goes on to warn them against idleness and to encourage them to work hard and provide for themselves. He also warns them against associating with those who are not living according to the gospel, and encourages them to remain steadfast in their faith. Paul then goes on to remind them of the example of the church in Thessalonica, and how they had worked hard and provided for themselves. He encourages them to follow this example and to remain faithful to the gospel. He also reminds them of the importance of loving one another, and of being patient and kind to one another. Finally, Paul encourages them to remain strong in the face of persecution and to remain faithful to the gospel. He reminds them that God is faithful and will never leave them, and that He will provide for them in times of need. He also encourages them to be patient and to trust in God's promises. Overall, Paul's message in 2 Thessalonians 3 is one of encouragement and hope. He reminds the Thessalonian church of the importance of prayer, of working hard, of loving one another, and of remaining faithful to the gospel. He also encourages them to remain strong in the face of persecution and to trust in God's promises.

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