2 Corinthians, 8

2 Corinthians, 8


Bible version


In 2 Corinthians 8, Paul is encouraging the Corinthians to give generously to the collection for the saints in Jerusalem. He begins by reminding them of the example of the Macedonian churches, who gave generously despite their poverty. He then encourages the Corinthians to excel in the grace of giving, as they have excelled in other areas of spiritual growth. He also reminds them that their giving should be done cheerfully and willingly, not out of obligation. Paul then goes on to explain the importance of giving. He explains that it is a way to prove their love for God and for others. He also explains that it is a way to demonstrate their obedience to God's commands. He also reminds them that their giving should be done in proportion to their income, so that everyone can give according to their means. Finally, Paul encourages the Corinthians to give generously, as it will bring glory to God. He reminds them that God is able to provide for them, and that their giving will be a blessing to those in need. He also encourages them to give with joy, as it is a way to show their love for God and for others. Overall, Paul is encouraging the Corinthians to give generously and cheerfully, as it is a way to demonstrate their love for God and for others. He reminds them that their giving should be done in proportion to their income, and that it will bring glory to God. He also encourages them to give with joy, as it is a way to show their love for God and for others.

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