2 Chronicles 10
The history of the kings of the divided kingdom of Israel and Judah, including accounts of reform, idolatry, and invasions.

The Divided Kingdom
In 2 Chronicles 10, we see the story of Rehoboam, the son of Solomon, who has just become king of Israel. He is faced with a difficult decision when the people of Israel come to him asking for a lighter burden of taxation. Rehoboam consults with the elders of Israel, who advise him to be kind and understanding to the people. However, Rehoboam then consults with his own advisors, who advise him to be harsh and unyielding. Rehoboam follows the advice of his advisors and the people of Israel are angered by his decision. As a result, the kingdom of Israel is divided in two, with the northern tribes forming the kingdom of Israel and the southern tribes forming the kingdom of Judah. This chapter serves as a reminder of the importance of wise counsel. Rehoboam's decision to ignore the advice of the elders of Israel and instead follow the advice of his own advisors had disastrous consequences. It is a lesson to us all that we should seek wise counsel from those who are more experienced and knowledgeable than ourselves. We should also be careful to consider the advice of others before making decisions that could have far-reaching consequences.
Assuming a reader with an average reading speed of 300 WPM reads the 2 Chronicles, chapter 10 it would take approximately 2 minutes to finish.
There are 19 verses in 2 Chronicles, chapter 10.