1 Corinthians 14
Paul teaches about the proper use of tongues and prophecy in the church.

Prophecy and Tongues
In 1 Corinthians 14, Paul addresses the issue of speaking in tongues in the church. He begins by emphasizing the importance of prophecy over speaking in tongues, as prophecy is more beneficial to the church. He then goes on to explain that speaking in tongues should be done in a way that is understandable to the congregation, and that it should be done in an orderly manner. He also encourages the church to seek to edify one another through their words. Paul then goes on to explain that those who speak in tongues should do so in a way that is understandable to the congregation, and that it should be done in an orderly manner. He also encourages the church to seek to edify one another through their words. He also emphasizes the importance of love, and that all things should be done in love. Finally, Paul encourages the church to seek to understand one another, and to be patient with one another. He also encourages them to seek to build up the church, rather than tear it down. Overall, Paul's message in 1 Corinthians 14 is clear: speaking in tongues should be done in a way that is beneficial to the church, and should be done in an orderly manner. He also emphasizes the importance of love, and encourages the church to seek to understand one another and to build up the church.
Assuming a reader with an average reading speed of 300 WPM reads the 1 Corinthians, chapter 14 it would take approximately 4 minutes to finish.
There are 40 verses in 1 Corinthians, chapter 14.