
photo of biblical Sirah

Biography, Summary & Biblical References

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Sirah was a biblical figure who is best known for being the daughter of Jacob and Leah. She was the sister of Judah, Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Issachar, Zebulun, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, and Asher. She was the only daughter of Jacob and Leah, and her name means “princess”. Sirah is best known for her role in the Bible as a symbol of faithfulness and loyalty. She was a devoted daughter to her parents and a loyal sister to her brothers. She was also a faithful servant to God, and she was known for her unwavering faith in Him. Sirah is also known for her role in the story of Jacob and Laban. She was the one who suggested that Jacob should marry her sister Rachel in exchange for seven years of service. This agreement was made between Jacob and Laban, and it was Sirah who suggested it. Sirah is also known for her role in the story of Joseph and his brothers. She was the one who suggested that Joseph should be sold into slavery in Egypt, instead of being killed by his brothers. This suggestion saved Joseph’s life, and it was Sirah who made it. Sirah is remembered for her faithfulness and loyalty to her family and to God. She was a devoted daughter and a loyal sister, and she was willing to make difficult decisions in order to protect her family. She is an example of faithfulness and loyalty, and she is remembered for her role in the Bible.

Did you know?

How many times Sirah was mentioned in the bible?

Sirah appears 1 times in the bible.

Where is the story of Sirah begins in the Bible?

Sirah first mention in the bible is in the book of 2 Samuel, chapter 3, verse 26. Read the full chapter


Sirah was a biblical figure who is best known for being the daughter of Jacob and Leah. She was the sister of Judah, Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Issachar, Zebulun, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, and Asher. She was the only daughter of Jacob and Leah, and her name means “princess”. Sirah is best known for her role in the Bible as a symbol of faithfulness and loyalty. She was a devoted daughter to her parents and a loyal sister to her brothers. She was also a faithful servant to God, and she was known for her unwavering faith in Him. Sirah is also known for her role in the story of Jacob and Laban. She was the one who suggested that Jacob should marry her sister Rachel in exchange for seven years of service. This agreement was made between Jacob and Laban, and it was Sirah who suggested it. Sirah is also known for her role in the story of Joseph and his brothers. She was the one who suggested that Joseph should be sold into slavery in Egypt, instead of being killed by his brothers. This suggestion saved Joseph’s life, and it was Sirah who made it. Sirah is remembered for her faithfulness and loyalty to her family and to God. She was a devoted daughter and a loyal sister, and she was willing to make difficult decisions in order to protect her family. She is an example of faithfulness and loyalty, and she is remembered for her role in the Bible.

Sirah was mentioned 1 times in the Bible.

first mention in the bible is in the book of 2 Samuel, chapter 3, verse 26.