
photo of biblical Salem

Biography, Summary & Biblical References

⭐Roles of Salem in the bible

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Salem is a biblical figure best known for being the site of the first covenant between God and man. He is also known as the father of Melchizedek, the king of Salem. Salem was born to Shem, the son of Noah, and his wife, Arpachshad. He had several siblings, including Elam, Asshur, Arphaxad, Lud, and Aram. Salem is best known for being the site of the first covenant between God and man. This covenant was made between God and Abraham, and it was a promise that Abraham's descendants would be blessed and that they would be given the land of Canaan. Salem is also known for being the home of Melchizedek, the king of Salem. Melchizedek was a priest of God and he blessed Abraham after he returned from battle. Salem is an important figure in the Bible and is best known for being the site of the first covenant between God and man. He is also known as the father of Melchizedek, the king of Salem, and for being the home of Melchizedek, the priest of God.

Did you know?

How many times Salem was mentioned in the bible?

Salem appears 4 times in the bible.

Where is the story of Salem begins in the Bible?

Salem first mention in the bible is in the book of Genesis, chapter 14, verse 18. Read the full chapter


Salem is a biblical figure best known for being the site of the first covenant between God and man. He is also known as the father of Melchizedek, the king of Salem. Salem was born to Shem, the son of Noah, and his wife, Arpachshad. He had several siblings, including Elam, Asshur, Arphaxad, Lud, and Aram. Salem is best known for being the site of the first covenant between God and man. This covenant was made between God and Abraham, and it was a promise that Abraham's descendants would be blessed and that they would be given the land of Canaan. Salem is also known for being the home of Melchizedek, the king of Salem. Melchizedek was a priest of God and he blessed Abraham after he returned from battle. Salem is an important figure in the Bible and is best known for being the site of the first covenant between God and man. He is also known as the father of Melchizedek, the king of Salem, and for being the home of Melchizedek, the priest of God.

Salem was mentioned 4 times in the Bible.

first mention in the bible is in the book of Genesis, chapter 14, verse 18.