Who was Rebekah in the Bible?

image of biblical Rebekah

The story of Rebekah

in Hebrew: רבקה

Rebekah is a biblical figure best known for her role in the story of Isaac and Jacob. She was the daughter of Bethuel, the son of Nahor and Milcah, and the sister of Laban. Rebekah was chosen by God to be the wife of Isaac, Abraham's son. When Abraham's servant Eliezer went to find a wife for Isaac, he prayed for God to show him the right woman. Rebekah was the one who answered his prayer. She offered to draw water for Eliezer and his camels, and when Eliezer saw her, he knew she was the one. Rebekah and Isaac were married, and she bore him two sons, Esau and Jacob. Jacob was the younger son, and Rebekah favored him over Esau. She helped him deceive his father into giving him the blessing that was meant for Esau. Rebekah is best known for her role in the story of Isaac and Jacob. She was chosen by God to be the wife of Isaac, and she bore him two sons. She favored Jacob over Esau, and helped him deceive his father into giving him the blessing that was meant for Esau.

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Rebekah related images

Marriage of Isaac and Rebekah

Marriage of Isaac and Rebekah

Genesis 24:67

Did you know?

How many times Rebekah was mentioned in the bible?

Rebekah appears 30 times in the bible.

Where is the story of Rebekah begins in the Bible?

Rebekah first mention in the bible is in the book of Genesis, chapter 22, verse 23.

What is the meaning of the name Rebekah?

The name Rebekah is of Hebrew origin and means "to tie firmly" or "to bind." In the Bible, Rebekah is the wife of Isaac and the mother of Jacob and Esau. The name suggests qualities of strength, loyalty, and connection. It is often seen as a variant spelling of Rebecca, and it has been a popular name in various cultures and languages.

What is the origin of the name Rebekah?



Rebekah is a biblical figure best known for her role in the story of Isaac and Jacob. She was the daughter of Bethuel, the son of Nahor and Milcah, and the sister of Laban. Rebekah was chosen by God to be the wife of Isaac, Abraham's son. When Abraham's servant Eliezer went to find a wife for Isaac, he prayed for God to show him the right woman. Rebekah was the one who answered his prayer. She offered to draw water for Eliezer and his camels, and when Eliezer saw her, he knew she was the one. Rebekah and Isaac were married, and she bore him two sons, Esau and Jacob. Jacob was the younger son, and Rebekah favored him over Esau. She helped him deceive his father into giving him the blessing that was meant for Esau. Rebekah is best known for her role in the story of Isaac and Jacob. She was chosen by God to be the wife of Isaac, and she bore him two sons. She favored Jacob over Esau, and helped him deceive his father into giving him the blessing that was meant for Esau.

Rebekah was mentioned 30 times in the Bible.

first mention in the bible is in the book of Genesis, chapter 22, verse 23.

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