Who was Philip in the Bible?

image of biblical Philip

The story of Philip

in Hebrew: פיליפ

Philip the Apostle was one of the twelve apostles of Jesus, chosen to be part of the inner circle of Jesus' disciples. He is mentioned in the New Testament Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, as well as in the book of Acts. Philip is best known for his encounter with the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8, in which he was directed by an angel to go and share the gospel with the eunuch. After this encounter, Philip was caught away by the Holy Spirit and appeared in Azotus, where he continued to preach the gospel. The exact birthplace and details of his death are unknown, but tradition holds that he was martyred in Hierapolis, in what is now modern-day Turkey.

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🎤Also known as

Philip the Apostle

⭐Position held


💀Date of death


Place of death


Did you know?

How many times Philip was mentioned in the bible?

Philip appears 43 times in the bible.

Where is the story of Philip begins in the Bible?

Philip first mention in the bible is in the book of Matthew, chapter 10, verse 3.

What is the meaning of the name Philip?

The name Philip is of Greek origin and means "lover of horses." It is derived from the Greek name "Philippos," which is composed of two elements: "phílos," meaning "lover" or "friend," and "hippos," meaning "horse." Historically, the name Philip has been associated with various notable figures, including Philip II of Macedon, the father of Alexander the Great. The name has been popular in many cultures and languages over the centuries.

What is the origin of the name Philip?


How popular is Philip as a baby name?

Philip is ranked 499 in the list of most popular baby boy names in the US in 2023.


Philip the Apostle was one of the twelve apostles of Jesus, chosen to be part of the inner circle of Jesus' disciples. He is mentioned in the New Testament Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, as well as in the book of Acts. Philip is best known for his encounter with the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8, in which he was directed by an angel to go and share the gospel with the eunuch. After this encounter, Philip was caught away by the Holy Spirit and appeared in Azotus, where he continued to preach the gospel. The exact birthplace and details of his death are unknown, but tradition holds that he was martyred in Hierapolis, in what is now modern-day Turkey.

Philip was mentioned 43 times in the Bible.

first mention in the bible is in the book of Matthew, chapter 10, verse 3.

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