
photo of biblical Nain

ביוגרפיה, סיכום והפניות לתנך

לשוחח עם נאין


Nain is a biblical figure mentioned in the Gospel of Luke. He is best known for being the site of Jesus’ first miracle, the raising of a widow’s son from the dead. Nain is a small village located near Mount Tabor in Galilee. It is not known who the parents of the widow’s son were, but it is believed that he had no siblings. When Jesus arrived in Nain, he was met by a large funeral procession. The widow’s son had died and was being carried out of the village. Jesus had compassion on the widow and told her not to cry. He then touched the coffin and commanded the dead man to rise. The man came back to life and was returned to his mother. This miracle was the first of many that Jesus performed during his ministry. It was a sign of his power and authority over death. It also showed his compassion for those who were suffering. Nain is best known for being the site of Jesus’ first miracle. It is a reminder of his power and compassion for those who are suffering. It is also a reminder of the hope that Jesus brings to those who believe in him.

האם ידעת?

כמה פעמים נאין הוזכר בתנך?

נאין מופיע 1 פעמים בתנך.

קרא את הספר של נאין קרא את התנך

נאין האזכור הראשון בתנך הוא בספר של לוק, פרקים 7, פָּסוּק 11. קרא את התנך

שאלות נפוצות

Nain is a biblical figure mentioned in the Gospel of Luke. He is best known for being the site of Jesus’ first miracle, the raising of a widow’s son from the dead. Nain is a small village located near Mount Tabor in Galilee. It is not known who the parents of the widow’s son were, but it is believed that he had no siblings. When Jesus arrived in Nain, he was met by a large funeral procession. The widow’s son had died and was being carried out of the village. Jesus had compassion on the widow and told her not to cry. He then touched the coffin and commanded the dead man to rise. The man came back to life and was returned to his mother. This miracle was the first of many that Jesus performed during his ministry. It was a sign of his power and authority over death. It also showed his compassion for those who were suffering. Nain is best known for being the site of Jesus’ first miracle. It is a reminder of his power and compassion for those who are suffering. It is also a reminder of the hope that Jesus brings to those who believe in him.

נאין הוזכר 1 פעמים בתנך.

האזכור הראשון בתנך הוא בספר של Luke, פרקים 7, פָּסוּק 11.