Who was Manasseh in the Bible?
Biblical figure
The story of Manasseh
in Hebrew: מנשה
Manasseh was a biblical figure who was the son of King Hezekiah and Hephzibah. He was the twelfth king of Judah and reigned for 55 years, making him the longest-reigning king of Judah. He is best known for his idolatry and for leading the people of Judah away from the worship of God. Manasseh was born in Jerusalem and was the only son of Hezekiah and Hephzibah. He had two sisters, Abijah and Lo-ruhamah. He was raised in a royal court and was taught the ways of the Lord. He was also taught the ways of the pagan gods and goddesses. Manasseh was known for his idolatry and for leading the people of Judah away from the worship of God. He built altars to the pagan gods and goddesses and even sacrificed his own son in the fire. He also practiced divination and sorcery. He was so wicked that God sent the prophet Isaiah to warn him of his wickedness. Manasseh was eventually taken captive by the Assyrians and was taken to Babylon. While in captivity, he repented of his sins and prayed to God for forgiveness. God heard his prayer and restored him to the throne of Judah. Manasseh is best known for his idolatry and for leading the people of Judah away from the worship of God. He is also remembered for his repentance and for being restored to the throne of Judah.
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Did you know?
How many times Manasseh was mentioned in the bible?
Manasseh appears 147 times in the bible.
Where is the story of Manasseh begins in the Bible?
Manasseh first mention in the bible is in the book of Genesis, chapter 41, verse 51.
What is the meaning of the name Manasseh?
The name "Manasseh" is of Hebrew origin, and it is traditionally understood to mean "causing to forget" or "he who makes to forget." This interpretation comes from the Biblical story of Joseph in the Book of Genesis. Joseph, who was sold into slavery by his brothers, later rose to a position of power in Egypt. When he named his first son Manasseh, Joseph remarked that "God has made me forget all my toil and all my father’s house" (Genesis 41:51), hence the association of the name with forgetting past troubles. Manasseh is also the name of one of the tribes of Israel, descended from this son of Joseph.
What is the origin of the name Manasseh?
Manasseh was a biblical figure who was the son of King Hezekiah and Hephzibah. He was the twelfth king of Judah and reigned for 55 years, making him the longest-reigning king of Judah. He is best known for his idolatry and for leading the people of Judah away from the worship of God. Manasseh was born in Jerusalem and was the only son of Hezekiah and Hephzibah. He had two sisters, Abijah and Lo-ruhamah. He was raised in a royal court and was taught the ways of the Lord. He was also taught the ways of the pagan gods and goddesses. Manasseh was known for his idolatry and for leading the people of Judah away from the worship of God. He built altars to the pagan gods and goddesses and even sacrificed his own son in the fire. He also practiced divination and sorcery. He was so wicked that God sent the prophet Isaiah to warn him of his wickedness. Manasseh was eventually taken captive by the Assyrians and was taken to Babylon. While in captivity, he repented of his sins and prayed to God for forgiveness. God heard his prayer and restored him to the throne of Judah. Manasseh is best known for his idolatry and for leading the people of Judah away from the worship of God. He is also remembered for his repentance and for being restored to the throne of Judah.
Manasseh was mentioned 147 times in the Bible.
first mention in the bible is in the book of Genesis, chapter 41, verse 51.
The mother of Manasseh is Asenath.
The father of Manasseh is Joseph.