
photo of biblical Lois

Biography, Summary & Biblical References

⭐Roles of Lois in the bible

biblical figure mentioned in Timothy

👪 Children


Place of birth


💀Date of death


Place of death


Chat with Lois


Lois was a biblical figure mentioned in the New Testament. She was the mother of Eunice and the grandmother of Timothy. She was a devout Jew and was known for her faith and piety. She was a model of faith for her daughter and grandson, and her faithfulness to God was passed down to them. Lois was a woman of great faith and was known for her commitment to God. She was a model of faith for her daughter and grandson, and her faithfulness to God was passed down to them. She was a devout Jew and was known for her faith and piety. She was a woman of great courage and strength, and she was willing to stand up for her beliefs. Lois is best known for her role in the conversion of her daughter and grandson to Christianity. She was a strong influence in their lives and encouraged them to follow the teachings of Jesus. She was a woman of great faith and courage, and her faithfulness to God was passed down to her daughter and grandson. Her legacy of faith and courage lives on in her descendants.

Did you know?

How many times Lois was mentioned in the bible?

Lois appears 1 times in the bible.

Where is the story of Lois begins in the Bible?

Lois first mention in the bible is in the book of 2 Timothy, chapter 1, verse 5. Read the full chapter


Lois was a biblical figure mentioned in the New Testament. She was the mother of Eunice and the grandmother of Timothy. She was a devout Jew and was known for her faith and piety. She was a model of faith for her daughter and grandson, and her faithfulness to God was passed down to them. Lois was a woman of great faith and was known for her commitment to God. She was a model of faith for her daughter and grandson, and her faithfulness to God was passed down to them. She was a devout Jew and was known for her faith and piety. She was a woman of great courage and strength, and she was willing to stand up for her beliefs. Lois is best known for her role in the conversion of her daughter and grandson to Christianity. She was a strong influence in their lives and encouraged them to follow the teachings of Jesus. She was a woman of great faith and courage, and her faithfulness to God was passed down to her daughter and grandson. Her legacy of faith and courage lives on in her descendants.

Lois was mentioned 1 times in the Bible.

first mention in the bible is in the book of 2 Timothy, chapter 1, verse 5.
