Who was רכבות in the Bible?

דמות הברית החדשה

image of biblical Junia

The story of רכבות

in Hebrew: ג'וניה

and as being a fellow prisoner with the apostle Paul. The exact identity of Junia is not certain, but it is widely believed that she was a female apostle and an early Christian leader. Some scholars believe that Junia was married to Andronicus and was part of the leadership in the early Christian church in Rome. Little else is known about Junia, but she is remembered as one of the early leaders in the Christian Church and her mention in the Bible continues to inspire and encourage women in leadership roles.

לשוחח עם רכבות


⭐תפקיד נמשך


האם ידעת?

כמה פעמים רכבות הוזכר בתנך?

רכבות מופיע 1 פעמים בתנך.

קרא את הספר של רכבות קרא את התנך

רכבות האזכור הראשון בתנך הוא בספר של רומים, פרקים 16, פָּסוּק 7. קרא את התנך

שאלות נפוצות

and as being a fellow prisoner with the apostle Paul. The exact identity of Junia is not certain, but it is widely believed that she was a female apostle and an early Christian leader. Some scholars believe that Junia was married to Andronicus and was part of the leadership in the early Christian church in Rome. Little else is known about Junia, but she is remembered as one of the early leaders in the Christian Church and her mention in the Bible continues to inspire and encourage women in leadership roles.

רכבות הוזכר 1 פעמים בתנך.

האזכור הראשון בתנך הוא בספר של Romans, פרקים 16, פָּסוּק 7.

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