Who was Josiah in the Bible?
King of Judah
The story of Josiah
in Hebrew: יאשיהו
Josiah was a king of Judah who ruled from 640 to 609 BCE. He was the son of King Amon and came to the throne at the age of 8. He is remembered for his religious reforms and for reestablishing the worship of God in Judah. Josiah is mentioned in the Hebrew Bible, specifically in the books of Kings and Chronicles. According to the Bible, Josiah was a righteous and devout king who worked to remove idol worship from the kingdom of Judah and to restore the worship of God. He ordered the repair of the Temple in Jerusalem, which had fallen into disrepair, and during the course of the repairs, a copy of the Book of the Law was discovered. This discovery inspired Josiah to call for a nationwide religious revival, in which the people of Judah rededicated themselves to the worship of God. Josiah's reforms were widely seen as a turning point in the history of the kingdom of Judah, and he is remembered as one of the most important religious leaders of his time.
Chat with JosiahBiography
⭐Position held
King of Judah
👼 Date of birth
Place of birth
💀Date of death
Place of death
Tel Megiddo
Age at death
Josiah related images

Josiah's Reforms
2 Kings 23Did you know?
How many times Josiah was mentioned in the bible?
Josiah appears 53 times in the bible.
Where is the story of Josiah begins in the Bible?
Josiah first mention in the bible is in the book of 1 Kings, chapter 13, verse 2.
What is the meaning of the name Josiah?
The name Josiah is of Hebrew origin and means "Yahweh supports" or "Yahweh heals." It is a theophoric name, which means it incorporates a name of God. Josiah is notably a biblical name, borne by a king of Judah who was known for his reforms and dedication to the worship of Yahweh, as described in the Old Testament. The name reflects themes of divine support and restoration.
What is the origin of the name Josiah?
How popular is Josiah as a baby name?
Josiah is ranked 53 in the list of most popular baby boy names in the US in 2023.
Josiah was a king of Judah who ruled from 640 to 609 BCE. He was the son of King Amon and came to the throne at the age of 8. He is remembered for his religious reforms and for reestablishing the worship of God in Judah. Josiah is mentioned in the Hebrew Bible, specifically in the books of Kings and Chronicles. According to the Bible, Josiah was a righteous and devout king who worked to remove idol worship from the kingdom of Judah and to restore the worship of God. He ordered the repair of the Temple in Jerusalem, which had fallen into disrepair, and during the course of the repairs, a copy of the Book of the Law was discovered. This discovery inspired Josiah to call for a nationwide religious revival, in which the people of Judah rededicated themselves to the worship of God. Josiah's reforms were widely seen as a turning point in the history of the kingdom of Judah, and he is remembered as one of the most important religious leaders of his time.
Josiah was mentioned 53 times in the Bible.
first mention in the bible is in the book of 1 Kings, chapter 13, verse 2.
The father of Josiah is Amon.
Jehoahaz of Judah