Who was יֵשׁוּעַ in the Bible?

The Savior of the world

image of biblical Jesus

The story of יֵשׁוּעַ

in Hebrew: יֵשׁוּעַ

ישו מנצרת, הידוע גם בשם ישוע המשיח, הוא הדמות המרכזית של הנצרות ואחת הדמויות החשובות בהיסטוריה העולמית. הוא נולד בבית לחם שביהודה, בנם של מרים ויוסף, וגדל בנצרת. ישוע החל את שירותו הציבורי בגיל 30, נסע ברחבי הגליל ויהודה והטיף על מלכות אלוהים. הוא עשה ניסים רבים, כולל ריפוי, האכלת אלפי אנשים בכמות קטנה של מזון וסערות מרגיעות, שמשכו אליו המוני אנשים רבים. תורתו של ישוע הייתה קיצונית ואתגרה את השלטונות הדתיים והפוליטיים של ימיו, והובילה למעצרו ולצליבתו על ידי השלטונות הרומאים. עם זאת, חסידיו טענו שהוא קם מהמתים ביום השלישי לאחר צליבתו, אירוע שנחשב לאבן היסוד של האמונה הנוצרית. לאחר תחייתו, התגלה ישוע לתלמידיו ולרבים אחרים, ולאחר מכן עלה לשמים. הוא הבטיח לשוב באחרית הימים לשפוט את החיים ואת המתים, ולהקים את מלכותו עלי אדמות. לחייו ולתורתו של ישוע הייתה השפעה עמוקה על העולם ועיצבו את אמונתם של מיליארדי אנשים במהלך אלפיים השנים האחרונות. הוא נערץ כמושיע ואדון על ידי נוצרים, המאמינים שבאמצעות מותו ותחייתו, הוא גאל את האנושות מחטא וממוות ואפשר לאנשים לקיים מערכת יחסים נכונה עם אלוהים. תאריך הולדתו המדויק של ישוע אינו מצוין בתנ"ך, אך הוא נחגג על ידי נוצרים ברחבי העולם כחג המולד. מאמינים שהוא נצלב וקם לתחייה בגיל 33, ומותו ותחייתו מונצחים כיום שישי הטוב וחג הפסחא, בהתאמה. חייו ותורתו של ישוע ממשיכים לעורר השראה ולאתגר אנשים מכל התרבויות והרקע, ואי אפשר להפריז בהשפעתו על העולם וההיסטוריה שלו.

לשוחח עם יֵשׁוּעַ


⭐תפקיד נמשך


👼 Date of birth


מקום לידה

בית לחם

💀תאריך פטירה


מקום של מוות


גיל במוות


Jesus related images

Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

1 John
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

1 John 1
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

1 John 2
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

1 John 3
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

1 John 4
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

1 John 5
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

2 John
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

2 John 1
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

3 John
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

3 John 1
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 1
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 1:14
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 1:23
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 1:42
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 1:45
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 1:48
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 10
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 10:11
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 10:4
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 11
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 11:35
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 11:43
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 12
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 12:3
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 13
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 13:2
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 13:21
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 13:30
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 13:5
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 14
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 14:16
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 14:2
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 15
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 15:1
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 16
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 16:13
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 16:22
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 17
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 17:1
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 17:11
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 17:21
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 18
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 18:2
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 19
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 19:18
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 19:25
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 19:26
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 19:27
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 2
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 2:11
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 2:15
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 20
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 20:1
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 20:16
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 20:18
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 20:19
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 21
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 21:15
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 21:9
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 3
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 3:2
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 3:8
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 4
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 4:42
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 4:7
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 5
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 5:8
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 6
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 6:11
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 6:19
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 6:35
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 7
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 7:14
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 8
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 8:12
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 8:2
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 8:36
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 9
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 9:25
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 9:39
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

John 9:7
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 1
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 1:1
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 1:11
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 1:26
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 1:38
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 1:41
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 1:46
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 1:57
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 1:64
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 1:66
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 1:80
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 10
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 10:1
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 10:21
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 10:25
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 10:29
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 10:33
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 10:39
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 10:40
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 11
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 11:1
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 11:2
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 11:37
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 11:5
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 11:9
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 12
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 12:1
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 12:16
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 12:20
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 12:22
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 12:6
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 13
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 13:10
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 13:14
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 13:18
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 13:20
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 13:22
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 13:34
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 13:6
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 14
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 14:1
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 14:12
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 14:16
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 14:28
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 14:34
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 14:7
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 15
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 15:4
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 15:8
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 16
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 16:1
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 16:13
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 16:19
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 17
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 18
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 18:5
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 19
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 19:41
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 2
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 2:12
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 2:16
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 2:22
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 2:27
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 2:38
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 2:49
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 2:7
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 2:9
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 20
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 20:2
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 20:25
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 20:34
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 21
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 21:36
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 21:6
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 21:9
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 22
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 22:14
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 22:42
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 22:47
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 23
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 23:26
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 23:3
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 23:33
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 24
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 24:30
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 24:6
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 3
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 3:14
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 3:16
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 3:19
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 3:21
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 3:23
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 3:3
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 3:7
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 4
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 4:1
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 4:14
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 4:16
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 4:23
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 5
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 5:1
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 5:10
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 5:12
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 5:17
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 5:18
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 5:20
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 5:27
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 5:4
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 5:6
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 5:8
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 6
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 6:1
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 6:12
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 6:13
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 6:17
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 6:20
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 6:27
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 6:47
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 6:48
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 7
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 7:10
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 7:15
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 7:16
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 7:18
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 7:18
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 7:2
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 7:36
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 7:48
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 8
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 8:1
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 8:2
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 8:25
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 8:3
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 8:35
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 8:42
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 8:43
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 8:45
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 8:49
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 8:50
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 8:51
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 8:54
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 8:56
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 9
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 9:1
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 9:10
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 9:11
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 9:12
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 9:16
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 9:20
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 9:28
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Luke 9:7
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 1
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 1:10
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 1:11
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 1:12
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 1:16
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 1:17
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 1:19
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 1:29
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 1:35
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 1:39
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 1:4
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 1:4
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 1:45
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 1:7
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 1:7
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 1:8
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 1:9
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 10
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 10:1
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 10:17
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 10:23
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 10:13
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 10:32
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 10:35
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 10:46
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 11
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 11:12
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 11:14
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 11:21
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 11:22
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 11:27
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 11:32
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 11:8
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 12
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 12:1
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 12:18
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 12:2
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 12:28
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 12:41
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 12:42
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 12:43
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 13
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 13:14
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 13:24
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 13:3
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 13:33
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 13:35
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 13:5
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 13:7
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 13:8
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 13:9
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 14
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 14:12
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 14:22
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 14:23
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 14:33
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 14:35
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 14:43
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 14:46
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 14:53
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 14:61
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 14:64
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 14:66
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 15
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 15:1
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 15:21
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 15:24
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 15:25
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 15:29
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 15:33
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 11:1
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 14:36
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 15:37
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 15:38
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 15:39
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 15:46
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 16
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 16:1
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 16:12
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 16:15
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 16:16
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 16:19
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 16:2
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 16:20
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 16:4
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 16:6
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 16:8
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 16:9
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 2
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 2:1
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 2:13
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 2:17
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 2:18
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 2:23
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 2:3
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 3
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 3:1
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 3:13
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 3:20
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 3:5
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 3:7
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 4
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 4:1
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 4:10
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 4:35
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 5
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 5:1
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 5:11
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 5:21
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 5:25
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 5:38
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 5:42
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 5:6
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 6
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 6:1
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 6:14
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 6:16
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 6:21
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 6:3
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 6:30
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 6:34
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 6:41
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 6:45
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 6:48
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 6:53
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 6:7
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 6:8
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 7
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 7:14
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 7:24
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 7:25
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 7:29
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 7:31
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 7:33
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 7:36
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 7:5
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 8
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 8:1
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 8:11
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 8:22
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 8:27
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 8:29
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 8:31
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 8:34
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 8:6
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 9
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 9:14
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 9:2
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 9:25
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 9:30
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 9:31
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 9:33
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 9:36
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 9:38
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 9:43
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Mark 9:49
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 1
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 1:1
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 1:12
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 1:13
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 1:18
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 1:2
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 1:20
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 1:21
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 1:22
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 1:23
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 1:24
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 1:25
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 1:25
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 1:4
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 1:6
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 10
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 10:1
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 10:16
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 10:17
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 10:2
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 10:32
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 10:5
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 10:7
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 11
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 11:2
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 11:20
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 11:22
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 11:25
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 11:3
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 11:30
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 11:7
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 12
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 12:1
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 12:12
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 12:13
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 12:14
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 12:46
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 13
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 13:24
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 13:31
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 13:36
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 13:47
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 13:51
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 14
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 14:1
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 14:15
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 14:2
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 14:29
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 14:33
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 14:34
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 15
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 15:1
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 15:10
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 15:12
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 15:21
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 15:22
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 15:23
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 15:30
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 15:32
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 15:33
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 16
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 16:16
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 16:2
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 16:20
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 16:21
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 16:22
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 16:23
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 17
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 17:1
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 17:13
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 17:14
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 17:15
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 17:18
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 17:19
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 17:2
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 17:24
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 17:3
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 17:4
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 17:6
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 17:7
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 17:9
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 18
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 18:12
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 18:14
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 18:2
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 18:20
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 18:22
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 18:3
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 18:35
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 18:4
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 18:7
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 19
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 19:1
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 19:13
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 19:14
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 19:15
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 19:16
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 19:17
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 19:22
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 19:26
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 19:27
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 19:28
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 19:30
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 19:9
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 2
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 2:1
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 2:10
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 2:11
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 2:12
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 2:13
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 2:16
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 2:3
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 2:4
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 2:6
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 2:8
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 2:9
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 20
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 20:1
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 20:13
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 20:17
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 20:19
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 20:2
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 20:21
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 20:28
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 20:3
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 20:8
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 21
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 21:12
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 21:16
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 21:18
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 21:2
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 21:23
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 21:33
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 21:8
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 22
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 22:15
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 22:18
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 22:2
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 22:23
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 22:25
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 22:30
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 22:34
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 22:41
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 22:5
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 23
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 23:1
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 23:13
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 23:25
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 23:37
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 23:38
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 23:39
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 23:8
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 24
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 24:1
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 24:15
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 24:21
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 24:3
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 24:32
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 24:4
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 24:9
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 25
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 25:1
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 26
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 26:14
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 26:16
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 26:17
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 26:20
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 26:26
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 26:36
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 26:46
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 26:47
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 26:56
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 26:57
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 26:69
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 26:70
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 26:75
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 27
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 27:11
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 27:12
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 27:20
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 27:24
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 27:27
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 27:3
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 27:32
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 27:35
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 27:5
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 27:50
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 28
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 28:1
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 28:16
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 28:17
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 28:18
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 28:19
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 28:2
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 28:20
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 28:6
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 28:8
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 3
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 3:1
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 3:11
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 3:14
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 3:16
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 3:17
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 3:4
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 3:6
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 3:7
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 4
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 4:1
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 4:11
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 4:18
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 4:2
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 4:3
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 4:6
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 4:7
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 4:8
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 4:9
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 5
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 5:1
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 5:12
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 5:13
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 5:2
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 5:3
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 5:4
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 5:5
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 5:6
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 5:8
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 5:9
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 6
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 6:1
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 6:14
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 6:15
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 6:16
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 6:2
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 6:4
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 6:5
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 6:6
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 6:9
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 7
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 7:1
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 7:15
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 7:2
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 7:21
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 7:24
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 7:28
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 8
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 8:1
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 8:12
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 8:14
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 8:16
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 8:23
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 8:24
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 8:26
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 8:28
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 8:3
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 8:34
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 9
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 9:10
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 9:14
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 9:18
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 9:2
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 9:20
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 9:22
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 9:27
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 9:32
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 9:35
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 9:37
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 9:9
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 6:6
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Revelation 1
New Life in Christ

New Life in Christ

Romans 6
Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Teachings of Jesus

Matthew 20:21

האם ידעת?

כמה פעמים יֵשׁוּעַ הוזכר בתנך?

יֵשׁוּעַ מופיע 977 פעמים בתנך.

קרא את הספר של יֵשׁוּעַ קרא את התנך

יֵשׁוּעַ האזכור הראשון בתנך הוא בספר של מתיו, פרקים 1, פָּסוּק 1. קרא את התנך

How popular is יֵשׁוּעַ as a baby name?

יֵשׁוּעַ is ranked 172 in the list of most popular baby boy names in the US in 2023.

שאלות נפוצות

ישו מנצרת, הידוע גם בשם ישוע המשיח, הוא הדמות המרכזית של הנצרות ואחת הדמויות החשובות בהיסטוריה העולמית. הוא נולד בבית לחם שביהודה, בנם של מרים ויוסף, וגדל בנצרת. ישוע החל את שירותו הציבורי בגיל 30, נסע ברחבי הגליל ויהודה והטיף על מלכות אלוהים. הוא עשה ניסים רבים, כולל ריפוי, האכלת אלפי אנשים בכמות קטנה של מזון וסערות מרגיעות, שמשכו אליו המוני אנשים רבים. תורתו של ישוע הייתה קיצונית ואתגרה את השלטונות הדתיים והפוליטיים של ימיו, והובילה למעצרו ולצליבתו על ידי השלטונות הרומאים. עם זאת, חסידיו טענו שהוא קם מהמתים ביום השלישי לאחר צליבתו, אירוע שנחשב לאבן היסוד של האמונה הנוצרית. לאחר תחייתו, התגלה ישוע לתלמידיו ולרבים אחרים, ולאחר מכן עלה לשמים. הוא הבטיח לשוב באחרית הימים לשפוט את החיים ואת המתים, ולהקים את מלכותו עלי אדמות. לחייו ולתורתו של ישוע הייתה השפעה עמוקה על העולם ועיצבו את אמונתם של מיליארדי אנשים במהלך אלפיים השנים האחרונות. הוא נערץ כמושיע ואדון על ידי נוצרים, המאמינים שבאמצעות מותו ותחייתו, הוא גאל את האנושות מחטא וממוות ואפשר לאנשים לקיים מערכת יחסים נכונה עם אלוהים. תאריך הולדתו המדויק של ישוע אינו מצוין בתנ"ך, אך הוא נחגג על ידי נוצרים ברחבי העולם כחג המולד. מאמינים שהוא נצלב וקם לתחייה בגיל 33, ומותו ותחייתו מונצחים כיום שישי הטוב וחג הפסחא, בהתאמה. חייו ותורתו של ישוע ממשיכים לעורר השראה ולאתגר אנשים מכל התרבויות והרקע, ואי אפשר להפריז בהשפעתו על העולם וההיסטוריה שלו.

יֵשׁוּעַ הוזכר 977 פעמים בתנך.

האזכור הראשון בתנך הוא בספר של Matthew, פרקים 1, פָּסוּק 1.

השריון של אלוהים יֵשׁוּעַ הוא Virgin Mary.

מותו של משה יֵשׁוּעַ הוא יוסף.

James the Just

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חפש הדרכה והיכנס בשער לחוכמת המקרא
