Who was Jacob in the Bible?

The son of Isaac, also known as Israel; the patriarch of the Israelites

image of biblical Jacob

The story of Jacob

in Hebrew: יעקב

Jacob is a biblical figure who is best known as the father of the twelve tribes of Israel. According to the book of Genesis, Jacob was the son of Isaac and the grandson of Abraham, and he was born with his twin brother, Esau. Despite being the younger twin, Jacob was able to trick Esau out of his birthright and his blessing, setting the stage for a lifelong rivalry between the two brothers. After being forced to flee from his home because of his deception, Jacob had a series of encounters with God that changed his life. He was renamed "Israel" after wrestling with an angel, and he went on to have twelve sons, who became the heads of the twelve tribes of Israel. Jacob is remembered for his cunning and his determination, as well as for his relationship with God. Despite his flaws and his deceptions, Jacob is considered to be a righteous man who lived a life of obedience to God, and his legacy continues to shape the religious and cultural heritage of many people around the world. The exact date of Jacob's birth and death is not specified in the Bible, but he is believed to have lived sometime between 2000 and 1600 BCE. He is said to have died at the age of 147. The story of Jacob continues to be an important part of the religious and cultural heritage of many people around the world, and it continues to shape the way that people understand the nature of faith, family, and obedience to God.

Chat with Jacob


⭐Position held

Prophet, Patriarchs

👼 Date of birth


Place of birth


💀Date of death


Place of death

Ancient Egypt

Age at death


Jacob related images

Esau and Jacob's Character

Esau and Jacob's Character

Genesis 25:27
Jacob Receives Isaac's Blessing

Jacob Receives Isaac's Blessing

Genesis 27:27
Jacob's Ladder Vision

Jacob's Ladder Vision

Genesis 28:12
Jacob Meets Rachel

Jacob Meets Rachel

Genesis 29:10
Jacob and Family Move to Egypt

Jacob and Family Move to Egypt

Genesis 46:5
Jacob Blesses His Sons

Jacob Blesses His Sons

Genesis 49:25
The Fall of Man

The Fall of Man

Genesis 30:40
The Fall of Man

The Fall of Man

Genesis 32:24

Did you know?

How many times Jacob was mentioned in the bible?

Jacob appears 377 times in the bible.

Where is the story of Jacob begins in the Bible?

Jacob first mention in the bible is in the book of Genesis, chapter 25, verse 26.

What is the meaning of the name Jacob?

The name Jacob is of Hebrew origin and is derived from the Hebrew name "Ya'akov" (יַעֲקֹב). It is traditionally interpreted to mean "supplanter" or "holder of the heel." This meaning comes from the biblical story in the Book of Genesis where Jacob is born holding the heel of his twin brother Esau, symbolizing his role in supplanting or overtaking Esau as the favored son. Jacob is a significant figure in the Bible, known for being the father of the twelve tribes of Israel. The name has been popular in various cultures and languages, retaining variations such as Jacques in French, Jakub in Polish, and Giacomo in Italian.

What is the origin of the name Jacob?


How popular is Jacob as a baby name?

Jacob is ranked 36 in the list of most popular baby boy names in the US in 2023.


Jacob is a biblical figure who is best known as the father of the twelve tribes of Israel. According to the book of Genesis, Jacob was the son of Isaac and the grandson of Abraham, and he was born with his twin brother, Esau. Despite being the younger twin, Jacob was able to trick Esau out of his birthright and his blessing, setting the stage for a lifelong rivalry between the two brothers. After being forced to flee from his home because of his deception, Jacob had a series of encounters with God that changed his life. He was renamed "Israel" after wrestling with an angel, and he went on to have twelve sons, who became the heads of the twelve tribes of Israel. Jacob is remembered for his cunning and his determination, as well as for his relationship with God. Despite his flaws and his deceptions, Jacob is considered to be a righteous man who lived a life of obedience to God, and his legacy continues to shape the religious and cultural heritage of many people around the world. The exact date of Jacob's birth and death is not specified in the Bible, but he is believed to have lived sometime between 2000 and 1600 BCE. He is said to have died at the age of 147. The story of Jacob continues to be an important part of the religious and cultural heritage of many people around the world, and it continues to shape the way that people understand the nature of faith, family, and obedience to God.

Jacob was mentioned 377 times in the Bible.

first mention in the bible is in the book of Genesis, chapter 25, verse 26.

The mother of Jacob is Rebecca.

The father of Jacob is Isaac.















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