
photo of biblical Jabez

Biography, Summary & Biblical References

⭐Roles of Jabez in the bible

biblical figure

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Jabez was a biblical figure mentioned in the Old Testament book of 1 Chronicles. He was the son of his father, named Jehaleleel, and his mother was named Shua. He had four brothers: Kelub, Shamer, Ishmerai, and Ammihud. Jabez is best known for his prayer to God, which is recorded in 1 Chronicles 4:10. In his prayer, he asked God to bless him and enlarge his territory. He also asked God to be with him and keep him from harm, so that he would not cause pain. Jabez is remembered for his faith and trust in God. He was willing to ask God for blessings and protection, and he believed that God would answer his prayer. His prayer has been an inspiration to many people throughout the centuries, and it is still used in prayer today.

Did you know?

How many times Jabez was mentioned in the bible?

Jabez appears 4 times in the bible.

Where is the story of Jabez begins in the Bible?

Jabez first mention in the bible is in the book of 1 Chronicles, chapter 2, verse 55. Read the full chapter


Jabez was a biblical figure mentioned in the Old Testament book of 1 Chronicles. He was the son of his father, named Jehaleleel, and his mother was named Shua. He had four brothers: Kelub, Shamer, Ishmerai, and Ammihud. Jabez is best known for his prayer to God, which is recorded in 1 Chronicles 4:10. In his prayer, he asked God to bless him and enlarge his territory. He also asked God to be with him and keep him from harm, so that he would not cause pain. Jabez is remembered for his faith and trust in God. He was willing to ask God for blessings and protection, and he believed that God would answer his prayer. His prayer has been an inspiration to many people throughout the centuries, and it is still used in prayer today.

Jabez was mentioned 4 times in the Bible.

first mention in the bible is in the book of 1 Chronicles, chapter 2, verse 55.