
photo of biblical Erastus

Biography, Summary & Biblical References

🎤Also known as

Erastus of Corinth

⭐Position held


💀Date of death


Place of death


Chat with Erastus


Erastus of Corinth was a biblical figure mentioned in the New Testament in the books of Romans and 2 Timothy. He was a Christian leader and is believed to have been the city treasurer of Corinth, a major city in ancient Greece. According to the Bible, he was a loyal follower of Paul, the apostle, and is said to have been a co-worker in the Lord's service. It is also believed that he was a member of the church in Corinth and may have even been appointed by Paul as a bishop in that city. There is no further information available on the life or death of Erastus of Corinth.

Did you know?

How many times Erastus was mentioned in the bible?

Erastus appears 3 times in the bible.

Where is the story of Erastus begins in the Bible?

Erastus first mention in the bible is in the book of Acts, chapter 19, verse 22. Read the full chapter


Erastus of Corinth was a biblical figure mentioned in the New Testament in the books of Romans and 2 Timothy. He was a Christian leader and is believed to have been the city treasurer of Corinth, a major city in ancient Greece. According to the Bible, he was a loyal follower of Paul, the apostle, and is said to have been a co-worker in the Lord's service. It is also believed that he was a member of the church in Corinth and may have even been appointed by Paul as a bishop in that city. There is no further information available on the life or death of Erastus of Corinth.

Erastus was mentioned 3 times in the Bible.

first mention in the bible is in the book of Acts, chapter 19, verse 22.