Who was Er in the Bible?

image of biblical Er

The story of Er

in Hebrew: אה

Er was a son of Judah and a brother of Onan and Shelah, according to the book of Genesis in the Bible. He lived in the land of Canaan and was killed by God for his wickedness. Little else is known about Er.

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Did you know?

How many times Er was mentioned in the bible?

Er appears None times in the bible.

Where is the story of Er begins in the Bible?

Er first mention in the bible is in the book of Genesis, chapter 10, verse 10.

What is the meaning of the name Er?

The name "Er" has historical and biblical roots. In the Bible, Er is a minor character—a son of Judah and the husband of Tamar, mentioned in the Book of Genesis. This name is of Hebrew origin, and it is considered to mean "awake" or "watchful." However, Er is not widely used as a given name in modern times, and its meaning may not hold significant cultural recognition outside of its biblical context.

What is the origin of the name Er?

The name "Er" originates from the Hebrew culture, as mentioned in the Bible.


Er was a son of Judah and a brother of Onan and Shelah, according to the book of Genesis in the Bible. He lived in the land of Canaan and was killed by God for his wickedness. Little else is known about Er.

first mention in the bible is in the book of Genesis, chapter 10, verse 10.

The mother of Er is Bat Choua.

The father of Er is Judah.



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