
photo of biblical Elishama

Biography, Summary & Biblical References

🎤Also known as

Elishama the son of Ammihud

⭐Position held


Chat with Elishama


Elishama is mentioned in the Hebrew Bible as one of the sons of King David of Israel. According to the genealogy in 1 Chronicles 3:6, Elishama was the fifth son of David and Bathsheba. Beyond this brief mention, there is no other information available about Elishama in the biblical text.

Did you know?

How many times Elishama was mentioned in the bible?

Elishama appears 17 times in the bible.

Where is the story of Elishama begins in the Bible?

Elishama first mention in the bible is in the book of Numbers, chapter 1, verse 10. Read the full chapter


Elishama is mentioned in the Hebrew Bible as one of the sons of King David of Israel. According to the genealogy in 1 Chronicles 3:6, Elishama was the fifth son of David and Bathsheba. Beyond this brief mention, there is no other information available about Elishama in the biblical text.

Elishama was mentioned 17 times in the Bible.

first mention in the bible is in the book of Numbers, chapter 1, verse 10.