Who was Balaam in the Bible?

image of biblical Balaam

The story of Balaam

in Hebrew: בלעם

Balaam was a prophet and diviner in the Bible, mentioned in the book of Numbers. He is famous for his prophecy regarding the coming of the Messiah, despite initially resisting God's command to bless the Israelites. He is also known for his role in the story of Balaam's Ass, in which he was rebuked by his donkey for his disobedience to God. Balaam's birthplace is not specified in the Bible, and there is no mention of his death or any siblings, mother or father.

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Did you know?

How many times Balaam was mentioned in the bible?

Balaam appears None times in the bible.

Where is the story of Balaam begins in the Bible?

Balaam first mention in the bible is in the book of Numbers, chapter 22, verse 5.

What is the meaning of the name Balaam?

The name "Balaam" is of Hebrew origin and is found in the Bible, specifically in the Old Testament. Balaam is most notably mentioned in the Book of Numbers. Although the exact meaning of the name is somewhat debated, it is commonly understood to mean "devourer" or "one who consumes the people." The narrative involving Balaam is known for the story of Balaam and his talking donkey, as well as Balaam's prophecies regarding the Israelites. He is depicted as a non-Israelite prophet or diviner who is summoned to curse the Israelites but ends up blessing them instead due to divine intervention.

What is the origin of the name Balaam?

The name "Balaam" is of Hebrew origin.


Balaam was a prophet and diviner in the Bible, mentioned in the book of Numbers. He is famous for his prophecy regarding the coming of the Messiah, despite initially resisting God's command to bless the Israelites. He is also known for his role in the story of Balaam's Ass, in which he was rebuked by his donkey for his disobedience to God. Balaam's birthplace is not specified in the Bible, and there is no mention of his death or any siblings, mother or father.

first mention in the bible is in the book of Numbers, chapter 22, verse 5.

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