Who was Athaliah in the Bible?
Queen of Judah
The story of Athaliah
in Hebrew: עתליה
Athaliah was a queen of Judah, daughter of Ahab, king of Israel, and Jezebel. According to the Bible, she was married to King Jehoram of Judah and was the mother of King Ahaziah of Judah. After the death of her son, she took the throne and ruled as queen for seven years. Athaliah is known for being one of the most wicked and evil queens in the Bible and is remembered for her attempt to exterminate the royal family of Judah and secure her power. She was eventually overthrown by her grandson, Jehoash, who was crowned king. Athaliah died a violent death, though the exact details are not specified in the Bible.
Chat with AthaliahBiography
⭐Position held
Queen regnant, King of Judah
👼 Date of birth
Place of birth
💀Date of death
Place of death
Age at death
Did you know?
How many times Athaliah was mentioned in the bible?
Athaliah appears 17 times in the bible.
Where is the story of Athaliah begins in the Bible?
Athaliah first mention in the bible is in the book of 2 Kings, chapter 8, verse 26.
What is the meaning of the name Athaliah?
The name "Athaliah" is of Hebrew origin and is found in the Bible. It can be translated to mean "God is exalted" or "The Lord is exalted." Athaliah is a notable name in the Old Testament, particularly associated with a queen who was the daughter of King Ahab and Queen Jezebel. She became the queen of Judah through marriage and was known for her ruthless reign and efforts to establish the worship of Baal, similar to her mother Jezebel’s actions in Israel. The name carries historical and religious significance, often conveying the attributes of strength and authority.
What is the origin of the name Athaliah?
The name "Athaliah" has a Hebrew origin.
Athaliah was a queen of Judah, daughter of Ahab, king of Israel, and Jezebel. According to the Bible, she was married to King Jehoram of Judah and was the mother of King Ahaziah of Judah. After the death of her son, she took the throne and ruled as queen for seven years. Athaliah is known for being one of the most wicked and evil queens in the Bible and is remembered for her attempt to exterminate the royal family of Judah and secure her power. She was eventually overthrown by her grandson, Jehoash, who was crowned king. Athaliah died a violent death, though the exact details are not specified in the Bible.
Athaliah was mentioned 17 times in the Bible.
first mention in the bible is in the book of 2 Kings, chapter 8, verse 26.
The mother of Athaliah is Jezebel.
The father of Athaliah is Ahab.
Ahaziah of Judah
Ahaziah of Israel
Jehoram of Israel