
photo of biblical Amina

ביוגרפיה, סיכום והפניות לתנך

לשוחח עם אמינה


Amina was a biblical figure mentioned in the book of Genesis. She was the daughter of Leah and Jacob, and the sister of Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, and Dinah. She was the first daughter of Jacob and Leah, and the first of the twelve sons of Jacob. Amina is best known for being the first daughter of Jacob and Leah. She is also known for being the first of the twelve sons of Jacob. She is remembered for her role in the story of Jacob's family, and for her loyalty to her family. Amina is not mentioned in the Bible after her birth, so it is unclear what happened to her. It is possible that she died young, or that she married and moved away. Amina is remembered for her role in the story of Jacob's family, and for her loyalty to her family. She is an important figure in the Bible, and her story is an important part of the history of the Jewish people.

האם ידעת?

כמה פעמים אמינה הוזכר בתנך?

אמינה מופיע 3 פעמים בתנך.

קרא את הספר של אמינה קרא את התנך

אמינה האזכור הראשון בתנך הוא בספר של מתיו, פרקים 1, פָּסוּק 4. קרא את התנך

שאלות נפוצות

Amina was a biblical figure mentioned in the book of Genesis. She was the daughter of Leah and Jacob, and the sister of Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, and Dinah. She was the first daughter of Jacob and Leah, and the first of the twelve sons of Jacob. Amina is best known for being the first daughter of Jacob and Leah. She is also known for being the first of the twelve sons of Jacob. She is remembered for her role in the story of Jacob's family, and for her loyalty to her family. Amina is not mentioned in the Bible after her birth, so it is unclear what happened to her. It is possible that she died young, or that she married and moved away. Amina is remembered for her role in the story of Jacob's family, and for her loyalty to her family. She is an important figure in the Bible, and her story is an important part of the history of the Jewish people.

אמינה הוזכר 3 פעמים בתנך.

האזכור הראשון בתנך הוא בספר של Matthew, פרקים 1, פָּסוּק 4.